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"People meet, people fall in love - they get married..." is sung in one of the hits of bygone years. But first you need to meet the girl. This process is a real torment for many representatives of the stronger half of humanity. This is primarily due to the natural fear of any person of being rejected. There is no medicine that will instantly and forever relieve you of such fear. However, the thought that a girl is the same person with her own fears and complexes sometimes helps to overcome shyness. Think of the dating process as a game. If you were rejected, it means that your poles with the girl simply did not coincide. You don’t start to consider yourself a failure if you can’t put puzzles into a picture the first time. Moreover, you will not insult the game itself or stop playing. It’s the same with girls. If a girl refuses you in a rude manner, you shouldn’t respond in kind. Such a verbal spat will not help you get to know each other, but it can easily ruin your mood. Attribute this behavior to the girl's bad character or problems in life. Wherever you meet, always smile at the girl. This will cause her to smile back and make your image sincere and open. When meeting, after you have introduced yourself to each other, call the girl by name as often as possible. Firstly, a person is always more pleased with personal treatment. Secondly, after saying the girl’s name several times, you will remember it better. This advice is especially useful if your new friend has a rare, unpronounceable or foreign name. If you met in a cafe or bar, offer the girl some kind of treat. It is better to refrain from buying alcohol, as this may be misunderstood by the girl. However, if you are in a respectable restaurant, then it is acceptable to order wine, dessert and fruit, having received the girl’s prior consent. It is very convenient to meet on the beach. To do this, you need to start playing beach volleyball or throwing a plate. At some point, you may “accidentally” throw a ball or a plate at the feet of a beautiful stranger. After this, invite her to participate in the game or ask permission to join her after the game (of course, this should happen as soon as possible). Give compliments. Just let them be sincere and not too frank. Beware of discussing others, even animals. It may well turn out that the frolicking “small, clumsy and shrill dog” is the “favorite girl” of the girl you like. Be attentive, sincere and open. And if you still feel some kind of fear in yourself, you can use our audio programs. Created specifically to easily and quickly remove these fears. You can download the audio program that removes fears HERE>>Source