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A crisis can be called an event that significantly affects a person’s value system and his position in the outside world. Not every event claims this. But only that which is filled with critical life meaning. Of course, for each person this is all individual. But we can identify the main crisis factors that can lead to a crisis. The death of a loved one (family member, relative, friend). Especially if the death came as a surprise, if this person is young or very dear. Loss is accompanied by deep feelings and mental suffering. And subsequently leads to a rethinking of values. We need to learn to navigate the world again, but without a person close to our heart.🔹 Physical changes in appearance. The appearance of flaws. Self-esteem and self-identification are radically changing. A person himself is inclined to consider himself a freak and expects an appropriate attitude from society.🔹 Serious illness. Disability, disability. Physical limitations leading to dependence on other people, to a feeling of helplessness.🔹️ Separation from parents, friends, loved ones. Severing old connections and forced adaptation to a new social environment.🔹️ Puberty. The period of physiological and psychological maturation, the emergence of new needs and changes in the value system.🔹️ Events in family life (marriage, divorce, birth of children, termination of pregnancy, difficulties in marriage, etc.)🔹️ Traumatic events (military action, rape , disaster, etc.)🔹️ Sharp changes in social status (promotion/demotion on the career ladder, retirement, change of residence, etc.)🔹️ Psychospiritual transitional states (loss of meaning in life, inner emptiness, guilt, feeling shame, repentance) Sooner or later, every person faces a state of crisis. But for everyone it proceeds in accordance with the breadth of views, the degree of awareness and the readiness to move on. This is always a crossroads: either into regression or into development. And where to take a step, everyone decides for themselves.