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From the author: We often ask ourselves whether we are going towards the right goal. Is this goal mine? The article describes the criteria that can be used to focus on this important issue. This question is often occurs when obstacles appear on the way to our goal or everything that happens is very different from the plan we built. Then, when you really want to give up everything, and the wording “I made a mistake in defining the goal” is quite suitable. Many years ago I had an interesting philosophical conversation that got me thinking about this topic. I was asked about my criteria for my goal. Then I answered like this: “If everything turns out easy, then it’s yours. If there are continuous obstacles, then it’s not for you.” In response, I received another question: “What then to do with the situation that you are going towards your goal, but on the way to it you are faced with trials. They can test the strength of your intention to move towards this goal. On the other hand, trials form in us the qualities we need and cannot in any way serve as a criterion for the truth of the goal.” Then I simply accepted this idea; it seemed very interesting to me. However, the internal criteria of the truth and falsity of the goal for you hung in me for a long period of time. After all, it is so important to go precisely towards your goal, and not towards the goal of your neighbor. And if the obstacles on the way to your goal work as a plus for you, then the path to a false goal will most likely work as a minus, perhaps requiring some sacrifices if you successfully achieve the goal. That's why I really wanted to find the criteria. I am ready to share these criteria today, with a caveat. Most likely, you need your own, but I hope that the article will allow you to think and ultimately find your own criteria that will help you determine your goals. Criteria for the truth of a goal for me: I definitely need to go exactly to this goal in any case. Those. I can’t, for some reason, not do this. I can only do. Something inside me responds with warmth to my goal. Whatever the path to my goal, there is an inner confidence that I will grow in this process. Try to form your own criteria, it will be useful and practical.