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The purpose of this article is to draw attention to the awareness of oneself in reality in relation to another. No one can make us happy. Efforts of this kind are in vain. Just like expecting someone or something to make me happy in a relationship never comes true, but only increases disappointment. The correct choice of the meaning of a relationship is the entry point into a happy relationship. Life happens somehow strangely. What are the meanings of life made up of: people went to nursery, kindergarten, school, graduated from college, went to work... And exhaled... Now they believe that the whole process of life is complete, that they caught “God by the beard”, that they figured it out in life and you can automatically start a family. And this scenario is the best case scenario. Most have it worse. Few people think that the learning process is given to us throughout our entire lives. Life consists of constantly changing problems that need to be solved. And as we solve them, more and more new tasks will be thrown at us from above. A very routine existence does not lead to anything good. And we learn as we go through life to build relationships with a loved one. What meanings do we attach to relationships? We are often told that there is no true Love in the world, that there are no happy couples without cheating, that there are no happy families at all, love lasts 2-3 years, and the like. They tell us a lot of things and put them into us, like programs for misfortune. They tell us “you can’t handle it..., you’re doing the wrong thing, you’re doing the wrong thing..., you’re going nowhere at all, cool down!” We are told what to do, what to think, where to go to study, what to become in the profession, who to marry, who to marry, who to be friends with, when to give birth or not to give birth, when and how to live... and they even plan our aging. Do they really know better what to do and how to do it? Is this really out of Love? Or, after all, out of Fear? So what's the POINT if out of fear? And now about the energy of Love. Why is God Love? Because, firstly, God is all-inclusiveness. God is all of you: this is me, this is the world around us, this is the Universe and the Galaxy and the Earth. God is all our thoughts and feelings. God is our every action, and it doesn’t matter for what reason. That is, in order to know Love in a relationship, you need to include the whole person in this process of all-inclusiveness. So that it doesn’t turn out that I love this part of a person, but I don’t love this part. But here – I love conditionally, and here – I am the owner of this person. Secondly, because according to the laws of the Universe, which is, in essence, God, each of us has freedom of choice - free will. God gives everyone the right to love or not to love. Please note that this is given by God as a birthright. Imagine that you give such a right, to love or not to love, to your man or your woman. You are a God or Goddess!!! Will you give me this right? People have what psychologists call imprinting written down on the sensory plane. These are imprints of relationships, like their parents had. These are beliefs from what people have seen in movies, read in books, and perhaps seen in the lives of people around them. These are memories from the past. From all this, a certain sensory plan is formed for each of us. And according to this sensory plan, a person builds his model of relationships. It’s good if this model is supported by anything harmonious from these three points. But there are not many such people. And a person will transmit this “harmony” further in his relationships. And relationships are created, without understanding that love must be given and learned, just as the world and any work is learned. And as you work, you will be rewarded. And what we get is the following: we have created a relationship or a family - a cell that needs to be filled with something. And often we begin to fill it only materially. And if we haven’t created it, then we don’t have enough energy of Love, we have nothing to give to another, we only want to enjoy the other, that is, to take. If weLet's look at young families, what tasks do they set for themselves? First, work, then housing or an apartment through a mortgage, then you need to ensure a financial existence, then children come - you need to provide for the children. And this cell must be protected so that it is not attacked. In essence, the material part is at the forefront. Let’s say you have completed all these tasks, but then the emptiness begins. Because during the period of living together, no new meanings appeared, except for the material content of the relationship. Not a single religion or tradition teaches how and what should be done so that life in a relationship is joyful and cordial, so that living together between a man and a woman is filled with meanings other than procreation. We don’t know anything about what meanings to fill relationships with. Therefore, I would like people to understand why they begin to form relationships? What do you want from each other? What do you want from a relationship? If your task is to create a family, like everyone else, or such a reinforced concrete cell of society, and create on this basis some kind of material foundation into which you will drag something, then this is a rather risky undertaking. This is fraught with consequences - sooner or later, it will not end well. Because there is nothing for new meanings to emerge from in relationships. Even if everyone in the relationship successfully fulfilled what you agreed on on the shore, then in the end there will be a dead end in the relationship. And the vast majority of what a lot of relationship training offers is training in tricks. How to mimic, how to seduce, how to control through sex, how to get what you need from another. Well, you solve the current problem, and then what? If you do not have joint goals in your relationship that are higher than material well-being, then there is no chance to reach the level of partnership. If there are no common goals or meanings, then it turns out that we go to work in the morning and get together for dinner in the evening. Sex has become boring, there is no mutual exchange of energies. Everyone’s goals and meanings are different: for some it is accumulation, for others it is the protection and defense of relationships, for others it is about serving their group of like-minded people (it’s good if this group is joyful). For some, the meaning is mine, for others it is ours. Lately people have been looking for meaning in church. And they send prayers to God. And God listens to them. And he thinks: you have everything so that you can become happy, but you keep asking and asking. And when will you start to grow, the way trees grow, the way grass grows, even breaking through the asphalt of the sidewalk? Where can a person get meaning? I answer: only within myself. If a person seeks support outside of himself (in any teaching), this is a shaky support. If you criticize it well, then this support will no longer be stable. That's why people are afraid of talking about teachings. You can compare, for example. You take out a loan from a bank. And you immediately lose reliance on your strength. Your fulcrum is now bank money. You start to push yourself – life is on credit. Fears, respectively. You have found support outside of yourself. Meanings are always within a person. Looking for them outside is useless. If the meaning of acquiring the Holy Spirit (within yourself) is close to you, do it. If the meaning is close - releasing the energy of Love - do it. If the meaning of acquiring material wealth is close, do it. If you see meaning in children, teach them to live independently without you. Meanings are born and live inside a person. These are the meanings of his soul. These meanings must be found within yourself. You are an intelligent Spirit, and it does not matter in what capacity you incarnated on Earth - a man or a woman. Each of us has a Light that was placed in us by the Absolute. This means that all knowledge is within us. But for some reason we don’t always realize this. Turn inward to ground yourself in your present. These are echoes of those principles that the soul received while incarnating in different star systems. This is what is located in the depths of the heart, in the depths of the mind of the Soul. The Soul has its own mind. If a person does not find these principles, then his meanings will not support him. A Russian person does not