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There are always many knots on the rope of every person’s life path. These are our karmic tasks - fateful events in life (years, dates, meetings, situations, decisions). When we try to resolve (understand) a situation, it seems to us that it is very easy to do. It seems to be as simple as shelling pears: go to the rope, find the right knot and untie it. We don’t think about the fact that the knot can be tied in different ways: simple, straight-reef, sea-boatswain’s, Hunter - hunting, Flemish - counter-eight, strong - Grapevine, bayonet-non-tightening loop, quick-release - pirate or bucket, grasping - Prusik, Austrian guide, Bowline-gazebo, clew, topsheet, hare-ears-double guide, lower rope safety system. Details about the knots here: https://www.gearshout.net/verevochnyie-uzlyi-ih-vidyi-i-sposobyi-vyazki/ These can be knots of different weaving: oblique, straight, macrame, floss, baubles, etc. We do not have knowledge about these knots and how to knit them, but we can always learn these techniques, techniques, methods. This will take some time, days, months and years. Some people are patient and conscientiously study knots and methods of weaving, tying, and untying them. Other people need to quickly receive information, immediately, right there, in an instant, to understand everything in one day. Magic does not happen, since the knots are made not only by the mind, but also by hands, thoughts, words, motives, actions, feelings, emotions. Each knot is only your stage of development, life experience, mistakes, blunders, successes, achievements. They were the springboard for each subsequent knot. The problem does not always require logic from us, but it can immerse us in the past. The time line and the date of decision determine the path of the soul. If you go back and stand at the starting point, you will see the whole chain of mistakes, transitions, breakthroughs, pits, stairs, entrances and exits. There is no hiding from the observer. Conscience will always signal you about a mistake and tie a block knot. Beliefs and illogical conclusions will definitely create obstacles on the way to your goal. After a while, a certain area of ​​life (family, work, business, finances) becomes stuck. Recommendations from a psychologist: How to untie fateful knots? They need to be found and marked on the time line. You need to understand what knot is tied to a specific problem. You need to go back using the symbol- anchors. You need to change your decision and re-transform yourself. Having understood the reasons for sticking to the plot, you will get out of the series or cycle of knots of repeating events. All the knots on the string will immediately be untied. All crises are given to us for self-development and self-knowledge. They are temporary. Work with the help of art therapy and MAC cards, emotional-imaginative and sand therapy (diagram and construction of a model of your world). Karmic knots are psychological traumas within a person, so you need to work, first of all, with yourself. Nodules are not isolation, not prison, not a sentence, not a punishment. Nodules are an opportunity to become stronger, more stress-resistant, and more resilient. They teach us resilience, self-control and lead us to self-improvement. This is interesting, creative, creative work and learning about your personality. Become a Knot Tie Champion! A specialist, teacher, psychologist, art therapist will always help you with this. https://www.b17.ru/woronina/#consultation