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From the author: I will focus on one indisputable function of our fears - this is the opportunity to give a person to experience thrills. And this makes it possible to step over the barrier where feelings are not felt and, perhaps, for the first time in a long time, to experience at least some emotions again. And this makes it possible to feel alive and escape for a few moments of life from the tenacious lamas of rationalization and the habit of controlling everything that is possible and impossible, and most importantly, not necessary. With the onset of twilight, ordinary objects take on mysterious shapes. With the onset of darkness, the world around us changes, and what was previously understandable and familiar suddenly becomes inexplicable and frightening. And it happens that even in broad daylight something will flash that will send a chill through your skin and your heart will pound furiously in your chest. If this is not familiar to you, then pass by, You won't learn anything new here. But if you imagine something like this, then this article is for you. And since such a mystical beginning has come out, I will continue to voice the point of view of esotericists on inexplicable pictures that appear and frighten people. Esotericists believe that not everything falls under the definition of “imagining” and that there is something mystical around us. But should we expect a threat from all this? Esotericists, speaking unequivocally, no, because it is not profitable for them, it is too energy-consuming and punishable. The best proof of this is the fact that no matter how much you strain your memory, you will not be able to remember a single instance when THIS caused you harm. (The stress into which you put yourself, tormented by your own fears, does not count). Well, now let’s talk seriously, from the point of view of objective science. Everything that you don’t like in your way of reacting is necessary for you. It would be different - you would not allow this to be in your life. It is no coincidence that many people do not want to go to psychologists, even knowing that they really help. So think about what your fear gives you? Why do you NEED to be afraid? It is not by chance that your imagination throws this at you. I will focus on one indisputable function of our fears - this is the opportunity to allow a person to experience thrills. And this makes it possible to step over the barrier where feelings are not felt and, perhaps, for the first time in a long time, to experience at least some emotions again. And this makes it possible to feel alive and escape for a few moments of life from the tenacious lamas of rationalization and the habit of controlling everything that is possible and impossible, and most importantly, not necessary. And here we come close to the topic of the fear of death, since this fear is more powerful than all others. When faced with a threat to his life (whether imaginary or real), a person receives a surge of emotions, and this is what gives him a feeling of life. Happy are those people who do not need such surges of adrenaline to feel alive. Some of them come to this on their own, and others as a result of working with a professional specialist (psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist, etc.). On your own or with the help of a specialist, but you can free yourself from the negative influence of the fact that you see THIS, and from other fears. When you understand the benefits of your fears, it will be easy for you to understand that it is you who see everything around you, which means that the source of everything is you yourself - your inner world. But you know yourself, and you are safe for yourself. You can't be so sure of anything except yourself. Everything that you see is just your imagination. Go into your fear, feel it, take a good look at it, and your emotions will change to positive ones. Another effective way to relieve negative emotions associated with what scares you is to search for the root cause in your childhood. Everything here is individual, and only you know how and when your fear arose, and only you can return there mentally to live that situation in a new way, in a light favorable to yourself. What was an insoluble and frightening task for a child, now, in the light of your knowledge and experience, is a riddle that can be solved, a secret that can!.. :)