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Do you know this when you start doing something with passion, and then you lose interest and cannot finish it? Perhaps you have already learned a lot, acquired several professions, but there is no feeling of self-realization, work does not bring joy and pleasure. How not to lose interest and fulfill yourself, stop constantly looking for yourself? What needs to be fixed so that the business you choose lights you up? To make work a pleasure, the morning begins with the anticipation of a good day, and the day ends with a feeling of deepest satisfaction in the soul? We lose this skill in childhood for two reasons: When we do something, and we are criticized, scolded for it. For example, a child loved to draw and once embodied his creativity on new wallpaper in the living room. For which he received a good beating and forever concluded that drawing was definitely not for him. A strong neural connection has been formed: drawing = pain. It's the same with criticism. It easily drowns out creative impulses.2. Or the opposite situation. A child does something, and his parents admire him and praise him for everything. The child falls into the oxytocin trap. For him, the process itself, when he does something, loses its meaning. The focus goes back to earning praise and feeling cool again. Such a child grows up and continues to chase approval, and does not see the point in the work itself. He loses the right guidelines and then cannot understand himself. In both cases, it is important to develop neural connections that will activate the production of pleasure hormones from the work process itself. When I am here and now in the moment enjoying what I am doing. As part of the program “Happiness to be yourself!” We successfully solve this problem when we learn to change focus and replace pain with pleasure. .If your unconscious does not have a vivid experience when you do something and get a good result, achieve a goal, then the brain simply does not believe that anything good will come out of your efforts. He sees no point in wasting energy. The task of the brain is to save energy and not waste it on trifles. Therefore, he turns on the resistance, slams on the brakes, or simply pulls to the side, convinced that nothing will work out anyway. In this case, you need to teach your brain to get results. Develop clear neural connections: I planned and did, I got the result. We also learn this as part of the program in daily, consistent work. We need to build interaction with others from a position of equals, when everything is fine with me and everything is fine with you. Without this skill, a lot of energy will be wasted on fears, irritation, anger, dissatisfaction, showdowns, addictions. There will be no energy left for work. It will also seem that something is wrong, the wrong path has been chosen, since there is no fuse. But in reality the solution is to grow up emotionally and not enter into toxic relationships.. The inner child is that girl or boy inside us who is waiting for love, care, recognition. This part of us that has enormous creative energy, curiosity, potential. If the child is not depressed, then we hear ourselves well and live our real lives. But in the process of self-realization, the child must give up the dominant place to the adult. If we work as a child, then at first we are passionate about work, everything is interesting, exciting, and inspiring to us. And then we burn out and the interest goes away. If an adult doesn’t get involved and just start doing it because it’s necessary, profitable and useful, then we give up everything and again look for ourselves and new inspiration.2. Everyone always likes a child to strive. And sometimes, in order to give a good result, you have to do something that is not always pleasant and there is a risk of making a mistake and receiving a negative assessment. He does not agree with this. And if it is not the adult, but the child who controls the decisions, then the matter is immediately abandoned. The child prefers to remain good to everyone, rather than be branded incompetent, selfish, etc. 3. The child does not know how to separate himself and his work. Perceives work evaluation.