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We live in rapidly changing times. All processes today occur faster than 100 or even 200 years ago. Scientists have calculated that one 16-page morning edition of the Times newspaper contains as much information as a person living in the mid-19th century received in his entire life. We may wonder “how anyone could live like that,” but here’s what’s overwhelming Most people will envy this textbook peasant - this is due to his stamina, stability of the nervous system and immunity from stress. After all, according to the calculations of the same scientists, a resident of a metropolis spends as much “nerves” on 1 morning trip to work in traffic jams or the metro as residents of rural areas of the century before last “spent” in 1 year. Our poor nerve cells... And we can, of course, turn a blind eye to this colossal “compaction” of overload and negativity that we have in our daily lives, if not for... this damned stress. If the body and psyche did not remind us daily that our bodies and nervous systems are simply not designed for such overloads. How do we get into them? Have we become more responsible than our ancestors? Are we doing more, or are we just... fussing more? Are we doing more unnecessary things that have absolutely nothing to do with our real life? Do we waste time of our days on momentary “trends” and “fashion”, forgetting about ourselves in this stream, and not devoting time to the main thing? Are we absorbing more information, which, if we think about it, we don’t need at all? Modern man has long turned into an information addict. He's like a bulimic - he eats all the time and can't stop. And this despite the fact that the quality of information absorbed is falling as rapidly as its quantity is growing. All this also undermines our inner peace and takes us away from ourselves. How do we feel stress? Many, in the bustle of their days and the pursuit of “new and tasty” but meaningless and useless information from everywhere, have so forgotten how to feel themselves, their body and mental state that they may not even understand that they are under stress. But it exists, and it quietly eats away at our lives. When we become impatient, capricious or tyrannical with our loved ones. When the thought of going to work causes us not joy, but disgust. When we don’t notice the blue of the sky above our heads, the graceful gait of a cat near the house, the delicate foliage of trees, when children’s laughter seems like noise to us, and the people around are rude and annoying - we are stressed. When, instead of taking a walk in nature with a loved one person, cook a delicious dish or go to an unusual place, we sit down in front of the TV or isolate ourselves from the whole world with an omnipresent bottle of beer - we are stressed. When, instead of reading a good book, doing yoga or health-improving gymnastics, instead of walking in the fresh air or self-improvement in a favorite activity, we spend hours on meaningless conversations with a neighbor in which we generously share negativity - we tell ourselves that we are “relieving stress” - but in fact we aggravate it. Excessive passivity, be it the passivity of the body, soul or intellect, increases our nervous tension and leads to negative consequences. Passivity of the body causes hypodynamia - decreased joint mobility, muscle degradation, sluggish blood supply, fatigue and apathy. Passivity of the intellect leads to a narrowing of horizons and vocabulary, depletion of the variety of interests, stereotyped thinking and action, external controllability. The passivity of the soul leads to the degradation of the sensory sphere, or, as they say today, “to a decrease in the level of vibrations”: a person is “permeated” only by primitive and rough feelings - alcoholic euphoria, contemplation of violence on the screen, gross vulgarity and emotions of fear; more subtle and higher feelings no longer find a response in him. And how can the intellect and soul not become coarsened when they are daily “fed” with the waste of the world’s vanity fair, deafened by the polyphonic noise of fashions and ratings, treated to carefully selected negativity from all over the world, brought to full exhaustionthe emptiness and spiritual emptiness of your everyday life? How can you avoid stress on such a diet? How can a modern person not suffer from all this “wonderful bouquet” - chronic fatigue, depression, irritability, headaches, apathy and suspiciousness, loneliness and misunderstanding? The cause gives rise to the effect, and if you want to remove the effect, you must first eliminate the cause. When I spend seminar “Calmness within”, most often they object to me: “Well, there’s no escape from life, you have to leave everything behind and go to the village, otherwise you won’t be able to get rid of stress?” From life? The whole question is, what do you call life? If life is actions that destroy your soul, intellect and health, then I have a reasonable question: - Why do you choose such a life? After all, these are your daily conscious decisions, your choice. Nobody forces you, adults and smart people, to drink beer, locked in concrete cells, watch TV series, share bad news and not change anything for years? And if no one forces you, then it means that experiencing stress and bending under its daily oppression is your choice. And there is no need to justify it and say that it is too late to change something. Any of us can stop at any moment and make a different choice - right here and now. In order to change your life and get rid of stress, you don’t need to do anything special - just make at least one new CHOICE every day that will be better than the one you made yesterday. A person quickly gets used to good things. And you will like living a new life - because it will be better and more varied, happier and more comfortable, richer and freer than the one you had yesterday. What can make the transition easier? In the crazy race of days, stewing in a cauldron of stress, we do the most important thing mistake - we forget about OURSELVES. About that authentic Self, which is our core and essence. After all, only by forgetting about yourself can you succumb to illusions and get carried away by the cheap colorful chaos that rushes around us, accompanied by the thunder of an avalanche of meaningless information. Losing ourselves makes us lose immunity to the information we receive, and this results in constant tension and stress. Meditation brings us back to ourselves. Meditation helps us to remain ourselves. Her goal is to simply BE, to simply remain in the inner space of peace of her soul. When you are there, you understand that nothing and no one can encroach on your peace, your freedom and make you suffer. When you control your inner space, when you are rooted in yourself, no temptations and lures of the surrounding reality threaten you. It is enough to meditate 2 times a day for 10 minutes so that after a month your current level of exposure to stress drops by 50%. To be very precise, it is not the world around us that creates stress, but our reaction to the world around us. But this reaction belongs to us, we just allowed ourselves to forget about it. By meditating, we remember that we react and gain the freedom to choose our reaction. Now we choose, and not the world forces us to choose it. But to be able to realize this, you need a small internal gap, a pause, a moment of silence between how something happens and how you react. By meditating, we find within ourselves a moment of unshakable peace. And it is precisely this moment that will live in you at the moment when you are once again scolded by your boss, cheated by a salesperson, or pushed in a vehicle. And you won't want to lose it anymore. A moment of inner peace is so small and so insignificant. But it is your perception of what is happening that changes the whole world, your whole life. It's enough. What can you do to reduce daily stress? Stop watching TV. 99.9% of the information you receive thanks to him is absolutely unnecessary and has absolutely nothing to do with your life. By stopping wasting time in the flow of meaningless information, you will free up this time to make truly important changes in your life. Use 8 909 231 99 66