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A distinctive feature of our time has become changes in people’s working lives. Is this how it was in the Soviet Union? Good workers are those who immediately after school decided on their choice of profession, completed training, and worked for the next forty years at one enterprise. More often - also in one position. Those who were looking for their calling, changing jobs, were contemptuously called flyers. Today we agree that at the age of 15-18 a person, choosing a professional path, may well make a mistake. Knowledge and experience are not enough yet. Parents really want to help! But... They don't know how. I remember my mother chose a profession for me as for herself. That’s what she said: if only there had been such an educational institution in my youth... Yeah, but she forgot to take into account that I had completely different interests))) Other parents advise, focusing on the possible salaries of specialists today. Today's! But young people still have several years to study. The situation may change, salaries may change. There is an opinion that you need to find your calling. Wonderful! All that remains is to decide what a calling is and how to look for it. Perhaps these are special abilities? In no case will I say that psychologists help with this calling. Of course not. Well, how can I determine that a person I don’t know has musical abilities, for example? Or design ones? I only find out what a person thinks to himself. However, this is already a lot. Here is the well-known Differential Diagnostic Questionnaire (DQQ) by E.A. Klimov. It helps us determine which type of activity is more interesting and enjoyable for a person. No more, but no less. After all, future success depends on interest in the activity. DDO conventionally divides professions by object of activity. With people, with nature, technology, art or sign systems. It is very interesting to interpret the results and see the reaction of those who have been tested. Here is a man who received maximum points in the “Human-Artistic Image” category - and is rejoicing. Yes! Yes! I need to go into art!!! But there are more interesting cases when not one direction is in the lead, but two or three. He comes up to me with a puzzled look, what does it mean if “Man-person” and “Man-artistic image” are selected? Well, what does it mean? What would be interesting to you, for example, teaching the arts. Or work as a tour guide at an art museum. And the person breaks into a joyful smile: yes, that’s right, I’ve wanted this for a long time, but it was difficult to decide on such a choice. Thank you!!! But I repeat, this test does not reveal ability. It identifies a person's existing interests. That is, there is already interest, but something prevents you from clearly formulating it. And psychology helped))) I’ll tell you how it goes for me. I give you a battery of tests that I specially collected for career guidance. The client fills it out before the consultation and sends it to me. I process the tests, during the consultation we discuss the test results, options for suitable work, how and where my client will receive the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities, and how he will work in the future. Up to issues of employment or organizing your own business (which is chosen by the client himself). Of course, I give information on the labor market. Yes, the conversation takes an hour and a half. The client leaves the consultation with a ready-made action plan. I have been involved in career guidance since 1995. I have accumulated experience, I constantly monitor the labor market, and I am interested in professional courses. I can tell you everything and advise you during a consultation. Contact us)