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From the author: The Law of Cause and Effect is the Law of Evolution, which ceases to control the life and destiny of a person when he, having heard the voice of the Silent Soul, consciously begins to change his reality, guided by the three main Cosmic Laws: Love, Free Will and Non-Harm... DISTORTIONS OF KARMA The topic of Karma has been especially popular lately and is being discussed by almost everyone, without sufficient understanding of the deep essence of this process, or rather, the Divine Law of Justice. On the one hand, this happens due to certain distortions that are inevitable in the absence of a single source of thought that has absorbed the whole truth regarding the governing Laws that directly or indirectly influence the human microcosm. On the other hand, simplification and even “adjustment” to a certain social order and an insufficiently accommodating and expanded consciousness. Let us consider karma from the point of view of authoritative , in my opinion, spiritual movements and schools of thought. THE ESSENCE OF KARMA Karma (Sanskrit karman, karma - action, deed) is energy-consciousness in action; the law of cycle and retribution. - H. P. Blavatsky. “In the self-sufficient and impartial law of Karma there is the secret of eternal existence, the basis for the unchanging action of the just and true Gods.” Sh. A. Ghosh. The problem of rebirth. Karma is the cyclical movement along the zodiac Wheel of Rebirth to balance all karmic cycles, including all thoughts, feelings, words and deeds of a person. The Bhagavad Gita defines karma as a law of nature, according to which any material activity, sinful or righteous, entails are consequences that draw the person who commits it more and more into material existence and the cycle of birth and death. In turn, the Ancient Dzyan Stanzas characterize karma as a chain of causes and effects that binds a person to earthly existence. The word “karma” sounds like the word “kara” is punishment and therefore it is necessary to indicate that the correct understanding of karma. depending on the impulse, it can mean both an evil action and a good, uplifting one. Karma can bring us down the ladder of evolution, and also lift us to the next step. Karma does not create anything and does not predetermine anything. Man himself makes his own plans and creates causes, and the karmic law only adjusts the consequence, which violates universal harmony.” – E. Bumbiers. Reincarnation and karma. From the point of view of Duetics, Karma is the punishing mother (matter). And this, symbolically, means that until a person cleanses his material garment (body), which hides the untransformed nature of emotions, feelings, desires, thoughts and actions, then until then he, like a frog in a famous fairy tale, will shed his skin, until he enters the light and imperishable clothes of the crystalline body. The Law of Karma for a person is, first of all, the Law of Spiritual Evolution, as the highest stage of life’s aspiration and achievement here, on the earthly thorns of fate. K/a/r/m/a – qualities of asa / arya (human), registered by the matrix of Atman (Universal Spirit or Supreme Soul). In the era of matriarchy, karma literally meant the punishing mother - Kali Ma enraged. By cultivating animal fear and the instinct of self-preservation, the cult of Kali, in fact, legitimized ritual sacrifices. THE LAW OF CAUSE AND EFFECTThe karmic Law of Cause and Effect is the Law of Eternal Justice, amenable to change and, possibly, control, when “coming out of the Circle of Karma, we find ourselves in the Divine movement.” The Law of Cause and Effect, as we know, governs matter and its four components : cause, attraction (desire), increment and effect. These four elements are the basis for the construction of a thought form that produces a consequence as a result of the organizing cause. But this, however, is inherent in a few human units of individual consciousness that control not only their desires, but also their thoughts. However, the deep semantic meaning of Karma goes beyond boundaries of the Law of Cause and Effect, for it is “not a previous event and itsa mechanical consequence, but much more is an action, moral, physical, and the driving forces of its action are will, idea and impulse. Karma acts and contributes to the realization of the Spirit in birth and life.” Sri Aurobindo. The problem of rebirth. In any case, as spiritual truths testify: “humanity needs to be more diligent and more intelligent in achieving its true goal and working out its personal obligations.” DESTINY is a good synonym for the word karma in Russian - fate, although not embracing, not including and does not convey the full depth of this meaning. As one Mahatma of the East once said: “People depend on the planetary and racial destinies, and therefore their own tiny affairs can be upset, and sometimes completely crossed out.” From the point of view of Duetics - a philosophical and ethical system, destiny is the essence of the action of the divine architect. And this architect is our higher “I” or Soul. The essence of the action is not unchanged, because then one of the main laws of the planet would be violated - the Law of Free Choice. Thus, contrary to generally accepted opinion, we, climbing the steps of evolutionary development, can change his destiny, spiritually awakening and unfolding like a flower in the morning rays of sunlight. “The world needs a spiritually awakened person. For to the conqueror the mysteries of human nature are revealed.” - Nikolai Berdyaev. TYPES OF KARMYYoga Sutra Patanjali divides karma into three types: hidden - undeveloped and inactive, representing a person’s past and manifesting itself in the present or subsequent lives; active - representing the present and carried out already in the current life cycle; new karma, the shoots of which have already sprouted in this incarnation and will serve as an important milestone in one of the future lives, representing the future of a person in his subsequent cycles. A similar characteristic can be found in Agni Yoga, where karma is also threefold: mature, accumulated and creative. Mature karma manifests itself in a specific current incarnation and in a given body and is “relieved” by the right attitude towards it - first of all, by accepting the fact that you can fully repay your previous debts now. “Smile when you can give to those you met before. happiness will come when the old bills end.” - Sheets of the Garden of Moria. Call. The same synchronicity can be seen in Blavatsky’s lines: “Do not inflame your heart against Karma and do not be indignant at the unchanging laws of karma. accept what your merits have collected for you, O heart. full of patience. Don’t let yourself get discouraged and be happy with your fate. This is your karma. the karma of the rotation of your incarnations and the fate of those who were born with you in suffering and grief, rejoice and cry from life to life, connected with you by past actions.” – Voice of Silence. Mature karma is also the karma of “inevitable actions” stretching from the past. So-called random sins or even crimes are often a consequence of past negative and destructive thoughts. The sad thing is not that we imperfectly go through our life experience again, but how sometimes frantically, selflessly we find a new pool of obsession. Accumulated karma is the karma of our character, as the sum all circumstances, just as steel is tempered. It is precisely over this that it is necessary to “sweat” so that flaws of an imperfect nature, like rust, do not transfer corrosion to the new robe of the individual. Creative karma is the karma of the future. What a person sows in this life, he will reap in the next. Free Will is fully manifested here, which, being directed to the benefit of others, predetermines the future life and the conditions corresponding to it. Otherwise, ignoring or careless attitude towards one’s own life events and actions, can bring about certain results and consequences. “If you overturn Karma, it will turn on you.” - Sheets of the Garden of Moria. KARMA OF DESTINY E. P. Blavatsky has a book that combines these two concepts: “Karma of Fate”, so it is logical to turn to its explanation: “Karma is a physical action, metaphysicallythe law of retribution - the law of cause and effect or moral causation; Karma does not punish or reward, it is simply a single universal law that directs all other laws that produce certain results in the directions determined by their corresponding causality.” In other words, Karma determines a mechanism, a principle, and not the main reason for existence. She is not a sword of Damocles or an instrument of retribution. “Every man has his own robe, reflecting his karmic record and uttering words that will justify or condemn him before the jealous guards of the kingdoms of inner nature.” E. P. Blavatsky. THE LAW OF SPIRITUAL EVOLUTION The Law of Karma for man is, first of all, the Law of Spiritual Evolution, as the highest stage of life’s aspiration and achievement here, on the earthly thorns of fate. “Karma acts and contributes to the fulfillment of the purpose of the Spirit in birth and life. We can unravel a complex tangle and understand the paths of Karma only when we see the elements and their connection as parts of the whole.” - Sh. A. Ghosh “The Problem of Rebirth.” And indeed, our life difficulties, problems and trials are the plan of our own soul, subjugating itself all the lower nature and accepting what is necessary. “All souls are subject to transmigration... People do not know the ways of the HOLY, blessed be HE; they do not know that they are under judgment, both before they enter this world and after they leave it.” Kabbalah. Zohar. XVIII, 13. The intricacies of our destinies are the result of many factors, but it is obvious that our own self-centeredness and limitations are due to incomprehensibility and ignorance in the knowledge of our own natural mechanisms. Being threefold by nature, and representing the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms, we are simply We are obliged to reunite with them both externally and internally, and this is impossible without painstaking and persistent self-improvement every hour, despite the fantastic and limitless nature of everything with which we come into contact and with which we live. And for this, at least for a start, let us try now and in further think more abstractly, introspectively and comprehensively, not excluding and cutting off, but including the most diverse manifestations of the phenomenal and noumenal worlds. “The body is subject to heredity, the Soul is subject to a fate created by itself. This destiny, created by man himself, is called his karma. - Rudolf Steiner Currently, Saint Germain, Hierarch of the Age of Aquarius, teaches the acceleration of the transmutation of karma by the violet flame of the Holy Spirit through the power of the spoken Word, meditation and visualization to transcend the circles of rebirth of the Paths of individual Christhood leading to the ascension that Jesus Christ demonstrated. KARMA YOGA In Hinduism there is a Yoga called Karma Yoga, from the Sanskrit word “kri” - to do and which states that every action is Karma. “Karma Yoga is activity in Krishna consciousness.” – Bhagavad Gita. The goal of this yoga is not to achieve the result of our actions, but to work to create our own karma. For, as Swami Vivekananda, the beloved disciple of Ramakrishna, who opened Yoga to the West, said: “We are responsible for what we are, and we have within ourselves the power to make ourselves what we want to be.” Karma Yoga is the path of realizing the Lord through dedicating the fruits of one’s activities to Him. Karma Yoga includes two of its varieties: Hatha Yoga - Yoga of the physical body, the most famous type of Yoga today and Laya Yoga or Yoga of the centers (together with Bhakti Yoga represented in the Atlantean race by advanced sons of men). Laya Yoga, called also by the Yoga of Dissolution, it stabilizes the etheric body and its centers in a person for the subsequent management of the emotional (astral) and transformation of the mental nature. “Karma Yoga represents a system of ethics and religion aimed at achieving freedom through selflessness and good deeds.” - Swami Vivekananda. The universal idea of ​​karma yoga was succinctly and quite categorically expressed by the Buddha: “I don’t want to know your theories about God. What is the use of discussing subtle doctrines about the soul? Be kind and