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Fear is, first of all, expressed in the body. The more fear, or any emotions associated with it, the more and more often a person falls into a stupor. If there are so many emotions and feelings of fear, the body begins to shut down. Example: a person in a stressful situation gets into a stupor, and then, after some time, thinks: “I should have answered this way or that way. What am I? I didn’t think of it.” Emotions associated with fear (from the least emotions to the strongest) are code words for subconscious programs: It’s annoying me (I don’t like it, I’m unpleasant) I’m anxious It scares me (I’m scared, I’m afraid) This is horror (this is terrible )This is a tragedy, This is a catastrophe, etc. And here it is not necessary to look for what exactly is disturbing, or why exactly it is scary. The very fact of the presence of emotions and sensations of fear is scary. We have many subconscious programs (in the form of chains), for example: At the age of 5 I scared... - and at the age of 9 it scared me... and at the age of 16 it scared me, etc. Therefore, the beginning of the subconscious program, in this case - I'm scared (scares me, I'm afraid). You need to sit down, close your eyes, relax and repeat to yourself the code words of the program. Strongly constraining, oppressive sensations will begin to appear in the body. And then the work will begin - thoughts, memories will begin in the form of images, voices. When I worked with myself, the word “catastrophe” caused strong unpleasant sensations in the body – strong fear, although at the same time I tried to realize what kind of catastrophe it was for me (point by point) - I couldn’t formulate it. It was just like an unconscious feeling went away and that’s all. I had the idea that there seemed to be millions of boxes in the subconscious. And everything we see fits into these boxes. For example, they show on TV about orphans. We see this - compassion for children arises, the thought that innocent children can experience such suffering. For us, this has been deposited in the “abandoned children” box. This box, for example, is, in turn, in the “loneliness” box. Loneliness can be in situations: - a partner abandoned - a partner died - parents died - parents abandoned - a person got lost, etc. As a result: - an unhappy abandoned woman who remained lonely - an unhappy abandoned child who remained lonely Each point evokes its own negative emotions: Sadness, melancholy, fear of life, disappointment, despondency, shame, guilt, fear of judgment, loss of strength, lack of confidence in oneself and the future, etc. As a result, the word “loneliness” can include all these emotions, but not as a list of emotions , but as the word itself, as a period. And when a person says “loneliness,” he instantly feels bad. He cannot understand why he feels very bad energetically. And not for everyone, loneliness is bad. Some woman after a divorce in the marriage cannot be delayed again: “Does it mean getting up in the morning and preparing breakfast again? Wash his socks? And have sex when you don’t feel like it?” The woman is delighted with her freedom, not with loneliness. So the problem is not in the word, but in the content that we put into it thanks to negative subconscious programs. And in order to remove the heavy emotional load from the word “ loneliness" - you need to unpack all these emotions. It’s annoying me (I don’t like it, I’m unpleasant) I’m anxious It scares me (I’m scared, I’m afraid) It’s horror (it’s terrible) It’s a tragedy It’s a catastrophe, etc. Therefore, we take each code word - and unpack. In addition, the following words cause fear: I will prove to you (the most terrible thing) you can’t prove anything to me I’m bad (bad) you’re bad / you can’t do bad things you don’t know you’re doing the wrong thing you didn’t succeed again I don’t like you I’m not happy they’re criticizing me I won’t succeed I didn’t succeed again I couldn’t do everything / I did it bad I’m stupid / stupid It’s all in the “I’m bad” box, so any criticism, any hint of doubt in a person’s abilities can instantly cause him to feel “I’m bad” and instant aggression, or vice versa, apathy if a person has too many of these emotions and a stupor appears in the body. (See the articles What prevents us from being happy. Children's programs). Why are these programs needed?