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To begin with, I didn’t like physics at school. What is there: she didn’t love because she didn’t understand. But now I understand the most important thing: the laws of physics, even if you don’t know them, still exist and operate quite successfully. So: when I first came across the concept of quantum psychology, I remembered that quantum is just a concept from physics - some indivisible part. There is also quantum field theory, which was put forward by scientists at the beginning of the 20th century. As I already admitted above, in the context of physics this means nothing to me: it’s too scientific and impractical (that’s why it’s a theory). But if we talk about psychology, it was field theory plus knowledge about quantum that together gave a new progressive direction in psychology, changing worldview. To put it briefly and clearly, quantum psychology is based on the postulate that the observer influences the object of observation. And this is not a pure theory, but this is already a completely working and effective method of work for psychologists. The so-called “observer effect” has long been described in various sources, and this effect is due to the fact that you can change your life context by taking the position of an observer and choosing a different angle on the situation. Why is this possible? Yes, because everything around us consists of energy. People included. But for many people, as they say, if something is not visible, then it does not exist. And this is the trap. How can you feel, for example, the energy of love, because it is not visible? But people understand this energy, or rather this feeling. In the same way, there are more than 30 deep feelings that people simply do not realize, but I will list a few and you are unlikely to deny their presence in you, although this is also something invisible: a feeling of hunger, a feeling of fear, a feeling of fatigue and more positive feelings, such as a sense of harmony, a sense of security, and so on. I gave the example of feelings, because replacing them with energy, the meaning will remain the same, but we will return to the context of quantum field theory. If you take the energy of fear (or a feeling, if it’s more common to call it that way, because the meaning will not change) and observe it from the inside, focus on it, fear will grow, because you give your energy = add it to the original energy of fear. And it works like two and two. Similarly, if you take positive energy - the energy of creation and start investing your energy, then there will be more creation. This is what quantum psychology is based on: we look at where a person drains his energy. We are getting out of the vicious circle. And then often those same “healing miracles” happen, but there is no magic here - just pure physics (well, perhaps a little spiced with magic powder). Do you want to experience for yourself how it works?