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From the author: Full or partial publication of materials is possible only with reference to the authorship and the original source www.treningi.me. Today I want to talk about how such a magical method is accessible to each of us , like fairy tale therapy, can turn the life of each of us into a kind and happy fairy tale. Specific instructions and ACTION ALGORITHM! As the owl from the cartoon about Winnie the Pooh said, No charge. Take it, grab it, use it! And then write to us about your fairy-tale life. So, once upon a time there lived a child who believed in fairy tales and miracles: that the good fairy brings chocolate bars and bicycles (and not her mother buys them if she has money left from salaries). That if he complains in a letter to Baba Yaga about the boy who offended him, she will beat him so hard with a broom at night that he will not come close. And the world was wonderful: when needed, a bicycle appeared, the neighbor boy stopped fighting. And then we grew up and realized that “fairy tales don’t exist” and they were gone from our lives. Exhausted, we earn money for a “bicycle”, we don’t know where get away from the insults of neighbors' uncles and aunts. We are not to blame. This is how it is customary in our era of pragmatists and pessimists: when faced with “evil and injustice” and not finding the help of a fairy, we stop believing that the world is a wonderful fairy tale, we begin to live in a gray world, depriving ourselves of the opportunity to change anything ourselves, receive help from the world and good helpers. And who told you that a fairy will run at the first call, where have you seen a fairy tale without evil forces? :) And without the hero’s victory over them? That's it. And with the help of fairy tales you can change any life situation. How? Be patient, I’ll tell you now. But first, for those who need a scientific basis for all these passes with their hands, feet and head, I’ll tell you what fairy tale therapy is. This is a method in psychology that uses the fairy tale form to solve difficult situations, develop creative abilities, and expand consciousness , improving interaction with the outside world. Fairytale therapy is good for both children and adults. Working with primary schoolchildren at school, I was able to use only 1 fairy tale, written for the child’s situation, and “revive” it with him, to remove his fears, negative behavior, etc. Work happens with “non-magical” and skeptical adults longer. For fairytale therapy, you need a certain state of thinking, a readiness to play, to bring miracles into life. And if you managed to “catch” such a state, I give you an invaluable algorithm on how to turn your life into a fairy tale. This is one of the methods of working with your fairy tale. 1. Write a fairy tale to suit your situation that you want to solve. We depict the main character and characters (people, problems) as fairy-tale heroes. We endow them with certain properties and actions. It’s good to come up with your own fairy tale, with with its plot. If yours is difficult, you can take something already known as a basis. In a fairy tale, your main desire (how you want to solve the situation) must coincide with the main desire of the Hero of the fairy tale. Example: a man cannot find a job for six months. Goal: well-paid job with business trips around the world. You can remake the fairy tale about the ugly duckling, or you can... Once upon a time there was a little gray mouse, so inconspicuous. He really wanted to be useful, to accomplish some Great Deed, to travel to different states, to see the world. He came to the pond and began to ask the ducks: take me to warm countries to see, I’m useful, I’ll get you worms from under the ground. Ha ha, say the ducks. You saw yourself, small, worthless, you won’t be able to get worms, get out of here. The mouse began to spin and moved on. He sees that the mole is digging tunnels. - Come on, mole, I’ll help you. - What do you want for this? - A crust of bread. - Look, what! I can manage without you, I suppose you don’t even know how to dig. It’s good when, as in all fairy tales, your hero has 3 attempts! And only on the third or after the third it turns out! The mouse was upset, apparently completely worthless, should he stay in his barn and live from hand to mouth or would it be better to immediately be in the paws of41623135