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It has long been no secret to anyone that communication in most cases is based on manipulation. People, voluntarily or unwittingly, resort to this method of communication in order to quickly get what they need or want. In relationships between a man and a woman, this method of communication is widespread. Sometimes people themselves do not notice how they become manipulators, or, on the contrary, those who are exposed to such influence. In some cases, this type of communication is completely justified, since it is easier for one of the partners. In other words, someone becomes the leader, and someone becomes the follower. Often this has very little to do with leadership because it does not imply taking responsibility. One simply does as the other says, without requiring explanations and without clarifying the final goal. That is, he acts in accordance mainly with the interests or desires (not always meaningful) of his partner. The manipulator in a couple can be either a man or a woman. But in fairness, it is worth noting that in certain situations a woman is superior to a man in this skill. The girls' fathers understand me well. Using the skills that were acquired in childhood, some women successfully use love manipulation already in adulthood. It usually looks like this: “Can you do this? After all, you love me?” And of course, a man will strive to fulfill the desire (even the absurd) of his woman. Especially at the beginning of a relationship, when any man wants to show as many signs of attention to his lady as possible. But after some time, a man comes to understand that it is not necessary to fulfill all the whims of his chosen one without exception in order to confirm her words about his love for her. Especially if they (whims) are constant. Then women, realizing that this method no longer works, move on to the next one. Phrase: “You didn’t do it? You do not love me?" in most cases, it is a kind of transition to manipulation using feelings of guilt. Naturally, such a formulation of the question can motivate a man to take some action, but in his heart he will consider it simply dishonest. In the future, events may develop differently; this will depend on the character of the man and on the position that the woman herself will take. Options for female behavior as the situation develops can vary from a transition in theatrical dramatization to direct pressure on a man using feelings of guilt. In most cases, such situations end in conflict. And if such events occur with regular frequency, then most likely everything will not be very good in the relationship, to put it mildly. An abundance of manipulation makes relationships toxic, and therefore people cannot be happy in them. And it is human nature to avoid what makes him unhappy, which is why in such cases men often interrupt communication with women who abuse the manipulation of love. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to avoid manipulation in the relationship between a man and a woman, but still you should not use this method of communication too often, especially when referring to love. Live with joy! Anton Chernykh.