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During pregnancy, many women are interested in whether it is worth carrying a child in their arms, how often and whether the mother may have problems with the spine. During pregnancy, the child is already accustomed to the rhythm of the mother’s gait , the beat of her heart, her voice, her smell. And that is why he so persistently demands the return of what was forcibly taken away. The child suffers psychologically and physically from the inability to satisfy his need - to be close to his mother. He can be held long enough to fully adapt to life after birth. Think in advance about how to make your life as easy as possible in the first months so that you can devote more time and attention to your child. Those few household chores that you will have left with a competent rational approach can be done with the child in your arms when he is lying in a holder: a flap or a sling. But when the baby is sleeping, you also need rest and sleep. In addition, the ability to carry the baby correctly saves a lot of energy. It just seems that “as he took it, so he took it.” No less important than in sports, the role of a coach is important in motherhood - a person who will not only tell, but also show the mother all the wisdom. Including carrying a baby. It is important to hold him in such a way that he is comfortable (otherwise he will toss and turn, cry, or even develop incorrectly), and the mother does not get tired of her arms and back. If worn correctly, the load is no more than during pregnancy, and in the first months - even less, because internal processes gradually return to normal. Experts have proven that a long stay of a newborn on a flat, hard surface of the bed helps to flatten the still fragile skull bones, in particular the occipital and temporal parts, which causes disturbances in the development of the infant’s brain. As for the baby’s spine, for the correct, harmonious and healthy formation of natural curves, reliable support along the entire length of the spine is necessary, combined with adequate physical activity for the given age and nutritious nutrition. We should also not forget that tactile stimulation promotes growth and development, while its absence significantly slows down the construction work of a growing organism, not to mention the fact that the little person experiences significant psychological discomfort while staying separately from his mother for a long time. Surprisingly, for the spine, proper carrying in your arms is much healthier than lying in a crib or stroller. We all know from biology course that the spine has curves. Two of them are partially formed initially, and the other two are formed as the muscle corset develops. And this corset is formed faster and more correctly when carrying a child than when lying motionless. The vertical position of a child with dangling legs, where the body weight falls only on the lowest part of the spine (the perineum), creates excessive tension, which can negatively affect the development of the spine. Until the child is able to hold his head up, the holder should support his neck. A sling (another name for a flap, or a sling) clasps and holds the child in the same way as your arms. The desire to be in your mother’s arms, to hear her heartbeat, to feel her smell, the taste of milk on your lips, to fall asleep to the usual rocking in the rhythm of your mother’s gait - this is a natural need of a child, not because of a whim. Are we ready to learn to feel the needs of our child and allow something to change in our life, in ourselves, so that the baby joyfully enters the world. All this depends on us, on our love for our children. You can write to me [email protected] or call +79137259380