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🌟 You know, we all sometimes feel the need for approval and love from others. This is completely natural as we are social beings and it is important for us to feel accepted and valued. However, sometimes we start to depend too much on these things and it can become a problem.🤔 Are you ready to hear some tips on how to stop constantly seeking approval and earn love? Here they are: 1 ⃣ Know your value: first you must realize that you are already a completely self-sufficient and valuable person. Don't judge your self-worth and worth through other people's opinions. Self-confidence comes from within.2⃣ Focus on your goals and passions: find what really pushes you forward. When you become fully immersed in your interests and accomplishments, the importance of other people's opinions becomes less important. Live for yourself, not for others.3⃣ Answer the question: “What do YOU ​​want?”: Often we follow other people’s opinions or other people’s expectations without thinking about what we really want ourselves. Set your personal goals and aspirations, and start making important decisions based on your desires. Respect and listen to yourself!4⃣ Reach out to your closest friends: sometimes we need a strong shoulder for support and understanding. Tell your friends that you need to look for self-confidence within yourself, and not in the views of others. People close to you will always help and support you. 5⃣ Practice positive thinking: Negative thoughts and doubts can seriously weaken your self-confidence. Notice your victories and achievements, even the smallest ones. Manage your internal dialogue and replace negative thoughts with positive ones. 6⃣ Be patient: let go of expectations of instant change. New thoughts and behaviors take time and effort. It often takes a long time to completely change habits and ways of thinking. Don't let yourself fall into despair, follow your path gradually. In the end, remember that the most important thing is to be true to yourself. Stop looking for approval and earning love from outside, and start building your own strength and self-confidence. You are unique and deserve unconditional love! ❤ Sincerely, Elizaveta Mazuryak! 🌸Registration by phone +79640441301, SMS, WhatsApp, Telegram or email [email protected].