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Client characteristics: a woman of Balzac’s age, divorced, offended by her ex-husband because of his passion for computer games. Personality traits: kindness, openness, vulnerability, touchiness, vulnerability, suspicion, sensitivity, suspiciousness , increased anxiety, fearfulness, neuroticism, manifestations of psychosomatics. Client story: six months ago, a woman met a man on the Internet. They corresponded, but soon she realized that the man was a stranger and not close in spirit. He reacted to the cultural refusal to communicate with aggression, insulted her and wished her “not to live anymore.” The situation and behavior of the man greatly offended the client. Nothing bad was done to him. The question is pounding in my head: - For what? - Why is that? The woman’s reaction: she blocked his access to all pages everywhere. The next day, among the “guests” watching, I saw the face of a stranger and got scared, suspecting something was wrong. Soon she felt unwell and took tests at the clinic. Doctors diagnosed a “bad, fatal” disease. Suspects the unknown “guest” of the page of black magic and witchcraft. Questions for me: How to get out of the situation? I want to live, but here it is. How to calm down and not stress yourself out further? Could illness have manifested itself from magic? I would like to understand the reasons for the behavior of a stranger and what caused the illness. How to relieve anxiety? No exit. Can you remove the damage? Answer to the client: I think that a disease of this kind is unlikely to have arisen from you out of the blue and from viewing the page by some unfamiliar Internet user. As far as I know about the impact of magic on a person, in order to do something “evil” you need fresh photographs and not electronic ones. A photograph is a phantom double, but it always reflects the state of the date captured on it. Mood, physical and mental health of the photographed person in 1995. If you believe that the negative message and curse-prophecy of this man to death have come true, then it is quite possible to strengthen yourself with such an anchor-installation in your head and turn on the self-destruction program. How to get out of the situation? If you believe in God, then I recommend that you submit a prayer service, a 40-word for health, or the Indestructible (Indestructible) psalter for six months; it is believed that monks can heal a person with their prayers, cutting off all negative threads-connections with anchors - magical installations. I recommend that you listen to daily healing meditations, read prayers for health to Saint Panteleimon, Saint Cyprian, the Mother of God, Guardian Angel and follow the doctor’s instructions. Try to protect yourself from unnecessary contacts and reduce your time on the Internet. For example, we don’t go in every 15 minutes and check our mail, but two or three times a day. Take walks in the fresh air, feed yourself with positive emotions - comedy films, communicating with pleasant people, listening to music. How to calm down and not stress yourself out further? Forget about a man, his words, a woman, anything else negative! It was as if it didn't exist. This does not mean that you will give yourself voluntary amnesia. No. You will use the “Empty Chair” technique of forgiveness (conversation with the offender), letting go and gratitude for the communication experience. How to do this? All the interesting techniques were invented by me while writing the article. Have I used all of this? Not yet, but I think it won’t hurt me to do this for experience. The main thing is a positive attitude towards life and mental health! I advised a client to work with grievances (paper dolls and their conversation, burning them, metaphorical cards - portraits - conversation, prayers for protection from sorcery) Come up with a daily ritual for yourself to get out of the state of anxiety and magic. For example, every time oppressive thoughts and derogatory, gloomy states come upon you, you will perform the author’s “Template-Anchor Break” technique: 1. Wash your face with cold water three times and say out loud: “I remove all magic, damage, evil messages and prophecies from myself, and my peace of mindand I return my peace immediately! - Amen! 2. Turn on dance music, and swaying rhythmically to the beat, clap your hands three times and shout out: “I’m happy, I’m healthy, I’m forever young and will live long!”3. You stand in the bathtub on a wooden board and pour a basin of cool water over yourself, saying out loud: “I remove all the negativity from myself and return the energy of love and peace to myself.” “My energy is divided in half - I give half back to the offenders, and I take back my lost strength from them. – I am now healing, filled with the strength and beauty of life.4. Tear or cut the red fabric in half and say at the same time: “I cut all connections with illness and magic, I return my health and strength back.” - May the Angels of Karma and Light help me! - So be it! Burn the cut pieces of fabric and bury the ashes in a vacant lot with the words: - Mother Earth, please process the information for the benefit of all participants in the situation. - Thank you! Thank you Thank you!5. At home, wash your face with cool water and say out loud: “My health has returned to me.” - The ritual is completed for the good. - Everything is done, done, done in the best and most favorable way for me. - Amen.6. Pour tap water into a small bottle and imagine that it will help remove all the magic from you. To complete the ritual, you need to come to the crossroads by 24.00, stand in the center and pour the bottle onto the ground with the words: “I keep all the good things for myself, and take all the bad things back to hell.” - All magic and damage should be washed off with water and go into the ground for recycling. – I am Healed.7. If you are afraid to go alone, then take a companion with you. After the ceremony, turn your back and walk away without looking back, as they always do in fairy tales. If someone met you, saw your actions, thought that you were crazy, began to scold him, then smile at him and wave your hand, saying: - And to you, I wish you, Great Happiness and Health! - Amen. Could a disease manifest itself from magic? What we emotionally twisted in our heads is what we attracted into our reality. This is a confirmed fact. There is a saying: “What we believe in is what we get.” – According to your faith, may you be rewarded. I think that this disease developed gradually. You just didn't know about it. Most likely, your body has been signaling to you for a long time that not everything is in order, but you did not react to it, did not want to hear or know that something was wrong. The reasons may be different: personality traits and psychosomatics - touchiness and phobias. I would like to understand the reasons for the behavior of a stranger and what caused the disease. You can build any versions and assumptions in your head, but you won’t find out. I can also give you my answer, but it’s not a fact that I’ll get to the point: - A wounded narcissist and unloved, a misogynistic person, offended by the entire female sex, Rod, by an overbearing mother. - Perhaps you are just like someone else. To someone who once humiliated him, insulted him, offended him, and this is his reaction - a projection, a pattern of behavior, some kind of wound has opened up because of his refusal, fear of rejection, a person with BPD or bipolar disorder, a psychopath, a schizophrenic , a child who was abused in childhood. – Who will understand him, virtually, remotely. – You are an adequate person, and therefore it is difficult for you to understand people with damaged brains, pathologies and their state of mind. – Most likely, he simply revealed in you what was in the emotional field of memory, your personal wound and grievances. You have a synchronization. That's all. The disease could arise due to anything: immunity, thyroid, virus, chronic disease and its consequences, that is, it could be a hereditary cause, genetic, or acquired. So to speak, you developed it with your stress, psychosomatics arose, and you repressed the cause, closed yourself, metaphorically locked your heart. How to relieve anxiety? No exit. Can you remove the damage? You need to learn to manage your emotions, mental states, and anxiety. Today there are many techniques: breathing, relaxation of body muscles, art therapy, bibliotherapy. The state of dead ends is harmoniously incomplete gestalts, so