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The ability to say “no” is a very important skill that each of us needs. Moreover, there are situations in which you only need to say “No.” Many people find it difficult to refuse, especially if this needs to be done in relation to a significant person. However, there are circumstances when sacrificing yourself and saying “yes” through force is very harmful. When should you refuse? Remember these situations and never agree to them: • When you don’t want to. For example, you are invited to a restaurant where there will be a person who is unpleasant to you. And this is not just someone you don’t know well, this is someone with whom your relationship is completely ruined. But they ask you, they even persuade you. No. You should not make concessions when your inner self protests;• When you need to sacrifice things. So, you've been asked for help. But circumstances have developed in such a way that plans will have to be sacrificed. And they can be so important for you, long-awaited. If you understand that in order to fulfill another person's request you will have to sacrifice time for yourself, refuse; • When you agree out of fear of offending. If you plan to give consent only in order not to offend the other person (or, for example, to please him), there is no need to say “Yes”. In such situations, always ask yourself “What am I feeling now?”, “What do I want?”, “What is important to me?” Answer honestly; • When there is no strength. Let’s simulate the following situation: you are returning home after a difficult day at work. And then a close friend calls and asks to go to a party with him. You desperately want to sleep. But a close friend. Is it worth agreeing in this situation? No. Categorically. Admitting that you had a hard day and you are tired is not a sign of betrayal. This is honesty and showing self-love. Believe me, until you start taking care of yourself and respecting your own desires, no one will do this; • When you are not interested. Have you been invited to go see a film whose genre you don’t like at all? Refuse. Offered to eat a dish you don't like? Refuse. Life is not so long that you have to sacrifice your desires and needs. In an individual consultation, I will help you identify situations in your specific life when you should refuse. This will allow you to find inner harmony and happiness! With respect to you, Olga Bychkova