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For a child, divorce is a serious psychological trauma and parents must help their child cope with the difficulties that he will have to face after the breakup of his family. Although divorce is a fairly common and familiar phenomenon in our society, it is completely abnormal for a child. He may react to it with severe stress, anger, confusion, anxiety and fear, he may begin to blame himself for what happened, withdraw into himself, and become depressed. Parents must accept the child’s anger and resentment and give him time to free himself from these feelings. How much the divorce will affect the child largely depends on the behavior of the parents. In no case should a child be prohibited from seeing one of the parents; former spouses, on the contrary, should help the child see both parents as often as possible. So, how to help your child get through this difficult moment: Talk to him, prepare him for the changes that await him. Be honest, explain exactly how your life will change if the child starts crying or gets angry, don’t scold him, let him throw out his emotions. Let your child feel that he can openly express his complaints, be completely frank with you, ask any questions about the breakup with his spouse, why did this happen? What happens next? Reassure your child that everything will be fine. Every child is afraid of divorce, because it threatens his safety, the world in which he lives collapses. During this difficult period, try to spend as much time as possible with him. Explain what awaits you. Will one of your spouses leave home, will a new family member come, if you are going to get married or get married again. Do not take away your child’s childhood. Do not shift the burden of adult responsibilities onto fragile children's shoulders. Do not introduce your children to money matters; it is difficult for them to understand how money is earned. Do not reproach them for bad behavior by saying that you work to feed him; the child may develop a guilt complex. Set rules. It is very important for children to adhere to strict rules, especially when things change dramatically in their lives, but be sure to agree on them with your ex-spouse so that the child does not feel strong differences between what is customary in your family and the family of your ex-spouse. Be polite to your ex , show him respect. The friendly attitude of both parents has a beneficial effect on children. Don't make your child an instrument of revenge, don't criticize your ex, and don't ask your child who he loves more. Children are very sensitive, take care of them. Seek qualified psychological help if you notice signs of stress in your child (behavior changes, enuresis, insomnia, loss of appetite, loss of interest in life).