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RECOMMENDATIONS FOR TEACHERS AND PARENTS ON REDUCING ANXIETY DURING DISTANCE LEARNINGTo protect ourselves and our psyche from “mass anxiety”, we need to maintain a normal ability to judge and not fall into obsession. To do this: Do not participate in spreading panic in conversations, SMS and social networks. Try to limit communication on the topic of anxiety and constant complaints from those who overload you. Negative emotions are also contagious, and anxiety as a result can weaken the immune system. Make it a rule to notice every day something that evokes a positive emotion in you, it can be anything: a sunny morning, the aroma of coffee, a favorite song, a beautiful thing. Organize the exchange of pleasant news and teach your loved ones to notice the good. Don’t often scroll through the endless news feed. Our psyche perceives negative information as a threat. One of her defensive reactions is the desire to control the situation. But it is an illusion of control to monitor the news. In fact, this only increases the stress response, which has no outlet. And prolonged stress weakens the immune system, making the body susceptible to infections. Of course, we can read and watch the news, but set aside a certain time for this, 2-3 times a day. While reading the news, monitor strong bodily and emotional reactions. Muscle tension, headache, and rapid heartbeat should be a signal to close your laptop/smartphone and change your activity. Express and live your emotions. Any human tragedy can cause stress reactions. Empathy is a natural human quality. If, for example, you want to cry, cry. Those parents who are especially worried about themselves and their children should pay attention to themselves, their desires, and their fulfillment as well. Show your children an example of how to live life happily and fully, regardless of the conditions. You can switch from anxiety to confidence (through some activity) at any time. Now is the time to practice this skill. Yes, not everyone can do it right away. But it is possible. For example, during the period of self-isolation, shift the focus of your attention to what you yourself can control in your life, and to what you previously did not have enough time for. For example: create a diet and do exercises to strengthen the immune system; audit your wardrobe; do a general cleaning; perhaps complete renovations (if all the necessary materials are available at home); clean the memory of your work memory card, smartphone, laptop, computer, etc. plant flowers and take care of them; reconsider favorite films experiment with food recipes work on developments for your professional activities... Use your free time to establish emotional closeness with children, play together, discuss a book or movie, bake a cake, draw or play, try on a wardrobe, teach them how to do something around the house. Keep in touch with reality! And keep critical thinking. Acceptance of reality occurs through living through 5 stages: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. The main thing: do not get stuck in the stage of denial - do not deny the fact of the danger of infection, do not ignore the recommendations of health workers and observe the regime of self-isolation and quarantine. From the point of view of psychology, denial in In this case, this is an infantile personality trait - an escape from a stressful situation, when a person does not want to admit and take responsibility for what is happening, transmits the childish position “I’m in the house” - and, therefore, there is no danger. As a rule, in this case, it is impossible to explain anything to a person, and he does not perceive the information because he lacks critical thinking. And those who find it really difficult to cope with their experiences during this period are very scared for themselves and their loved ones should consult a psychologist.