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Does it matter what and how to say Balakhonskaya G.V. Audio version of the article here https://www.b17.ru/media/72181/Does it matter what to say? Yes, it does. Because words are not just that. Not a shaking of air, but a specific action. Action, no matter how strange it may sound :) And when they say “well, these are just words,” this only speaks of the disappointment of someone who was waiting for some whole complex of actions, but the whole complex did not happen :) Have you noticed, Dear friends, how do “just” words affect your mood? And on your mood when you say them yourself, and on your mood when you hear them from another. Well, maybe it’s not always very noticeable. Naturally, it can be different. But if you pay more attention to your mood, you can notice small things too :) Why do words and the way they are spoken affect our mood? Well, there is also a physiological side here. Because words, as you know, are the second signaling system. This concept was introduced by the Russian physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov. That is, to put it simply and very briefly, each word activates specific neurons in the brain. And there is a psychological side. It’s about the psychological side, dear friends, that I propose to talk about. Starting from birth, we begin to accumulate experience. Now let’s not talk about all sorts of esoteric “things” like karma or something else about past lives. It may exist, but that’s not what we’re talking about now :) But about experience, which, starting from birth, can already be discussed in a completely realistic manner. Because this is what really happened to us in our lives. Our experience is priceless. This is what we already have. And it is already written in our psyche. This is what we really possess. What we have already really gone through. And we can really use it. To solve some of your problems. Well, of course, in order to use your rich real experience specifically to solve your problems, these problems must first be clearly understood. And formulate it. That I need to decide this and that. And for this I need what? Well, of course - say it in words! How could it be otherwise?? Until the task is formulated, it really doesn’t exist :) What to solve? And, as they say, a well-formulated problem is already half solved. That is, what is this about? About the fact that when starting any business , it would be nice to clearly say what this thing is. Well, it is possible (and it would be good) to write. The main thing is to express it in words. Why words? It’s possible, after all, with images? It’s possible. Only images, having arisen, will require description. What kind of images are they? About what? Maybe who are the characters there? What are they doing? And so on. How to describe it? In words. Color, sound, taste, smell, size - everything is described in words. And these words turn on (or, let's say, activate) that area of ​​​​our subconscious in which our corresponding experience is recorded. Through which we somehow went through. And we already know something. We know about some of our qualities. Which, if used wisely, will help us solve our problem. And how do we gain access to these qualities and their corresponding capabilities? Speaking about my experience! Well, and of course, it is more effective to do this accompanied by a psychologist. A psychologist in your experience can be an assistant guide :) I wrote about this in the article What do we want from a psychologist? In general, dear friends, all the words we say are about us. Learning to turn specifically to the resource part of your personality is this is exactly what we can do with words. Well, if we take into account how we say what we say, with what intonations, we will also gain access to those feelings of ours that accompany any experience. And there are also immeasurable resources there: ) I wrote about this in the article Why do we need feelings? Well, there’s a lot more that can be said here :) So I’ll stop for today :) Thank you, friends, for your attention! March 8, 2023 And you can also listen to my articles in the audio version. You can sign up for my consultation here on the website https://www.b17.ru/balakhonskaya/#consultation or via WhatsApp,. +7 (916) 614-83-92