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Your son has grown up. It seems like just yesterday you were bottle feeding him and playing with him in the sandbox. But now he enters a new stage of his life, meeting his love and starting his family. And now, you are faced with a new test, as parents - to stop being offended by our adult son, to let him go without feeling jealousy or hostility. The first step in this process is to realize that our son is no longer a child. He has become an adult and is able to make his own decisions. Of course, this may not be easy for you, because you have always put him first and protected him from all life's difficulties. However, now he must deal with his own problems and take responsibility for his own life. The second step will be to work on himself and his reaction to situations. When our son makes decisions about important things in his life, including choosing a partner, you must learn to support him and respect his decisions. True love for your child should be unconditional and should not imply any restrictions. Let's allow him to live his life, taking into account his own needs and desires. The third step will be to develop open and trusting communication with your son. Let's talk to him about your feelings and expectations regarding his future life. Let him know that you are ready to support his decision and be there when he needs you. It is important to remember that your role as a parent does not end with the birth of your child, but continues throughout life. Finally, the fourth step is to realize that it is up to you to find happiness in your life. Your son and his wife, your daughter-in-law have chosen each other, and they have the right to their own family and their own relationship. Let's let them go and focus on ourselves - take up hobbies, find new interests and relationships. Find inner harmony and happiness that is not dependent on the choices of our children. What I want to emphasize is that your feelings are completely normal. However, in this situation, it is important to find a balance between your own feelings, needs and respect for your son's choices. Here are some recommendations for dealing with these emotions: Spend time on self-development and self-awareness. Take time to understand your emotions and the reasons why you feel jealous or resentful. Understand if there are any personal issues that may be affecting your feelings. Practice empathy. Try to put yourself in your son's shoes and understand why he chose his wife. Each person has their own preferences, and what may not be your favorite may be ideal for your son. Set boundaries. Be honest and open with your son about your feelings and concerns. However, remember the importance of respecting his privacy. Do not interfere in their relationship and give them the opportunity to resolve conflicts on their own. Try to learn to control your emotions when interacting with your son and daughter-in-law. Gradually teach yourself peace and acceptance. Work on the ability to let go. Try to realize that your son is now an adult and makes his own decisions about his relationships. Give him the opportunity to build his own family. Remember that feelings of jealousy and resentment can be caused by personal insecurity. Therefore, treat yourself with love and compassion, develop self-confidence and work on self-esteem. Find your interests. Have your own time and space to do things that bring you joy and satisfaction. Strengthening your independence will help you deal with jealousy or resentment. Make an effort to develop a good relationship with your daughter-in-law. Establish open and trusting communication. Seek support. If your emotions become too strong and overwhelming, don't hesitate to seek professional help. Psychologists and consultants will help you assess the situation with.