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Sexuality is an innate function of the human body. Same as breathing, digestion, blood circulation. It is a mistake to believe that this topic is only about intimate relationships with a partner. Moreover, age also does not matter. Even babies are not alien to physicality, sensuality, the desire for pleasure and comfort. In other words, if you have a body, then sexuality is inherent in you. A person is already born with a certain physiological potential, and then sexuality is formed within the framework of individual life experience. Let's look at what factors can influence this experience: How your parents perceived your gender. If, for example, they wanted/expected a boy, and then suddenly a girl was born, then adults may experience a discrepancy between expectations and reality. How they cope with their feelings, their attitude towards the child and the child’s perception of himself will depend. Thus, a girl may not exhibit feminine energy at the proper level due to the fact that her father, for example, treated her like a boy, and her mother distanced herself. That’s all this increases the likelihood of disruption of the process of gender identity formation. Those. Physically, I seem to be a girl, but I don’t fully feel like one. The way your body was treated as a child. Who knows kneeling in the corner on a buckwheat or being punished with a belt? Frequent spankings, careless manipulations during hygiene procedures, force feeding, squeezing or tickling a child against his will - all this, flavored with a ban on open expression of desires or protest, conveys the message: “Be patient, even if you don’t like it!” In fact, there is a violation of personal physical boundaries. And years later, women appear who steadfastly endure beatings an aggressive husband or humbly handing over their body to perform “marital duty,” even when they don’t want to. What models of behavior were conveyed by adults. There is such a thing as incestuous (or seducing) behavior. This includes the following cases: - when mom and dad regularly walk around the house in underwear or naked; - have sex, not particularly hiding from children (even small ones); - sleep in the same bed with a fairly old child of the opposite sex; - involve teenagers in the details of their intimate life or affairs on the side. Similar stories can instill fear, disgust, closeness, or, conversely, excessively early interest in the topic in an as yet immature person. What negatively affects the formation of healthy sexuality in the future. Did your parents talk to you about adult topics? If you read the book or watched the movie “The Thorn Birds,” you may remember a fragment when the main character, the girl Maggie, faced severe stress during the period transitional age. She thought she was terminally ill when she saw blood during her first menstrual cycle. This happens when mothers do not warn or explain to their growing daughters about natural changes in the body. Or they intimidate about pregnancy, but do not talk about contraception and rules of behavior with boys. It’s sad to admit, but similar stories continue to happen in our time. As a result, a girl may form an unconscious belief that sexuality is dangerous, unpredictable, and fraught. Incest or intimate harassment in childhood/adolescence. Undoubtedly, this kind of trauma leaves an imprint on the attitude towards one’s body, oneself and the perception of a potential partner. For some, the psyche represses disgusting memories and thereby allows them to arrange their life more or less normally. But some close themselves and give up on themselves and their future forever. The first intimate experience. This includes hugs and kisses and touching and sexual intercourse. Here, again, everything is individual. Some people are not stopped by failure: “It didn’t work out, I didn’t like it this time, well, okay.” Such people quickly cope and move on to try. Others are afraid of repeating failure and hesitate for a long time (or at all) to make the next attempt. Again.