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From the author: Don’t you think you’re looking in the wrong place for how to be happy if you’re still not happy? Again, a gray, joyless morning... The alarm clock rings... Not my favorite job... A home that doesn't make you happy, a life that doesn't bring you pleasure... Who chose this life for you? How did it happen that everything is not as you dreamed of as a child? You’ve been dreaming, haven’t you? You’re in an endless search for instructions “How to live happily.” Oh, those great gurus who tell you that you need to wear a long skirt, don’t contradict men, and you’ll be happy. Did you wear it? Well, of course, you look like a fool in that “outfit,” of course it was more comfortable in jeans, but femininity, ah... it doesn’t matter that you don’t sit at home “to maintain the fire” but work at least 40 hours a week, the gurus say... And in the evenings, you’re as tired as a horse, you cook dinner, make yourself comfortable, and when closer to night you remember that it’s also recommended for your loved one to get a massage, you say “screw this femininity” and fall legless into bed, so that wake up in the morning, and... in short, Groundhog Day. Did you go to a psychologist? I know, I know, they told me to finish it here, redo it here, and generally behave differently here. For some reason, they brought in mom and dad and said that all the problems were because the boy Misha hit you on the head with a shovel in the sandbox... twenty years ago. Listen, don’t you think you’ve been an adult for a long time? It’s like you earn money yourself, you live separately, you make decisions, often not only for yourself, but also for your children, husband, and boss. How long has it been since you last stopped and looked around? Do you see how the seasons change each other, how the gardens bloom, how the grass turns green, how the yellowed leaves swirl, how the frost draws an ornate pattern on the glass? What exactly do you get high from? Why, at twenty, do you still need to be told that you are good, to be noticed and appreciated for your successes? You yourself know when you do good and when you do bad? Why do you let someone who doesn’t know you and sees you decide what will lead you to happiness and what won’t? Yes, your greatest happiness may be to build a corporation and have 10 thousand people subordinate to you. So what if “normal” girls don’t do this, I’ll tell you a secret - those who are weak don’t do this. Why hide your potential under the skirts of a long skirt? so that at 70 you regret that you didn’t live your life? Believe me, you don’t need to be finished and remade. Everything is fine with you! You have everything in you to reach your goal, if it is yours! Don’t believe that everyone needs a big house and 5 children to get married, you know for sure whether you need it. You just need to remember that you have it! And you know exactly what kind of life you want to live, just ask YOURSELF about it. Most problems are solved at the behavioral level. Do you know how to understand whether you are doing it right or not? It's simple, if these actions lead you to YOUR goals or YOUR experience, then you are doing everything right! Good morning begins with self-love! And a happy life begins with a good morning! To be continued.