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It’s simply amazing how consciousness, having only 2-4% of the brain at its disposal, creates in people a feeling of complete control over life. And at this time, the hidden and not subject to the mind part of the brain does a huge job of maintaining vital functions, takes on millions of processes, connects, restores, destroys, strengthens and... slightly watches over your safety. While you think that you control everything and everything, the subconscious can correct all your plans in an instant. For example, noticing fatigue, he will give you an unexpected cold and send you to rest, or, so that you don’t go where you shouldn’t, he will give you a good scare... in your sleep. The subconscious is much wiser, faster and more faithful than the mind. He doesn't have long discussions. There is a “goal” and a “result”. While consciousness is building its long and painful path, the unconscious is already waiting at the finish line. This is where unclear anxieties, thoughts, and images are born. You cannot trace the path, but you clearly feel whether it is good or bad. By the way, have you ever wondered how this feeling comes to you? The subconscious mind communicates with a person by sending Involuntary Unconscious Signals (IBS). The nature of NBS can be completely different for each person. It depends on the general level of psychological and emotional development, heredity, attitude towards oneself, occupation, age, gender, etc. People whose activities are associated with imaginative thinking or a regular search for better ways are distinguished by highly developed intuition. A degraded and degraded person loses contact with the subconscious, up to the complete “withering away” of all feelings, including the survival instinct. Many people are too lazy to develop the skill of communicating with intuition, but it, in turn, continues to make contact in the simplest and most understandable ways . As you know, people, depending on their ability to perceive information, are divided into three main groups: visual, auditory, and kinesthetic. This determines the method of address. Visual signals are easily recognized by visual learners. You close your eyes and see an image that is radically different from what you can imagine. Some people are so sensitive that they can see visual signals with their eyes open. Auditory signals are recognized by auditory learners. You hear a sound that alarms you, warns you, or prompts you to take certain actions. When you access the unconscious through trance, you hear the sound within yourself, although in fact, in the outside world, it is not there. It could also be an inner voice. It all depends on the agreement with the unconscious and your willingness to “read” the signal sent. Tactile signals are understandable to kinesthetics. You feel changes in your body, or you have involuntary reactions: itching, sneezing, yawning, pricking, twitching, abscesses, etc. If your intuition comes to you in the hustle and bustle of your workday, then you may not notice the manifestations of NBS. Therefore, it is better to use a trance state to communicate with your unconscious. Close your eyes, relax, go into a state of complete peace and switch to internal sensations. In this case, the signals given by the unconscious will be more distinguishable and understandable, and the percentage of erroneous answers will significantly decrease. To improve the quality of life and increase luck, learn to communicate with your intuition. Develop your own communication rules. In order for your intuition to become manageable, you must not only take into account your own characteristics of perception, but also find a suitable way to obtain an answer. Try a variety of techniques on yourself and create your own. Trust your intuition, and it will definitely tell you in which direction luck awaits you! Material provided by the PAVEL-KOLESOV Training Center https://pavel-kolesov.ru/