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From the author: This is some attempt, in the metaphor of ancient teachings about castes, to understand the purpose and path of certain groups of people. I will say right away that this article will not be scientific, moreover, it will not be entirely about psychology. Rather, I want to talk about inequality. About intellectual, personal, emotional inequality. One might even say about some chauvinism. Or snobbery. The time has come and I admit to myself, Yes. That's who I am. I believe, and even now, when I write, I am a little ashamed (this is not what they taught at school), that after all, to Caesar is what is Caesar’s, and to the mechanic what is mechanic’s. And people are not equal in their emotional and intellectual needs. I was wondering how best to describe this. I think it will be clearer in the metaphor of castes. Hinduism? Esoterics? As you wish. I will simply describe how I see this metaphor. For example, Teachers. Precisely with a capital U. Or philosophers. These are people, let’s say, of a higher, I’m not afraid of this word, caste, higher frequencies that are deep, sensitive, creatively in tune with the world, its beauty, its vitality and subtlety. Their tuning fork is high vibrations. These people know how to empathize, react sensitively to the pain of others, know how to accept the inner world of another person, and treat the thoughts, feelings, and statements of others with respect. They know how and want to support, if necessary, it is important for them to develop, they learn new things and are not going to stop there. development. They strive for self-realization and creative self-expression, they value and respect themselves, and they have a fairly high social status. Such people will be successful in psychotherapy, their development will follow its own path, towards its own realization. They are aware of their mission and are ready to share their knowledge and experience. The next caste is the merchants. Well... let's put it this way. The main thing is that everything is delicious, the best. There is a lot of everything - food, sex, pleasure. Honor, valor, decency - what nonsense. The main thing is that it is profitable. There are people everywhere, you tell me - I tell you, everything is captured. And a toast: “So that we have everything, and we don’t have to pay anything for it.” Here the rules are unique. That is, if you “conned” someone, you are great. And you will be accepted by the caste as successful. This is the normal implementation of a merchant - to sell even a thing that a person does not need at a profit. And this does not happen because he is a dishonest person, no, this is the implementation of his mission in this world within this caste. There are such values ​​here. Conscience is for warriors. This is life from the heart - this is them, Warriors. They will give their lives for their Motherland, their lady, their children, their family. They have a clear internal code. They know what the TRUTH is. And they are always for her. And they will fight, and if they don’t fight, they will prove it. And they will never deviate from their path. Their cause is always right. They are very sensitive to criticism and devaluation and are very vulnerable. Something touched - a duel. And only so. He's wonderful. But God, how difficult it is with them. They know no compromises, because they are always right. It is difficult for them to accept a different point of view, because if it does not meet their criteria, then it is incorrect. Moreover, a person from a different point of view will be an enemy, or at least a “stranger.” And finally, they are artisans. In the highest manifestation of a master. People are down to earth, hardworking. They also need family, children, work. It is important. So that everything is like with people, so that everything is in order - the economy, the house, everyday life. To have a piece of bread and butter earned with your own hard work. To be valued and respected, especially the head of the family. Some people drink. Yes, and in all castes they drink, however. But... everything is simple here. As it is, the morning is wiser than the evening, bread needs to be baked, children need to be raised. If you have worked, you have the right to rest. There is unlikely to be depression or neurosis here. There’s no time for that - you have to work. Everyone is crazy about this stupidity. And look, everyone not only has their own truth, but their own task - for teachers - to develop and educate, for warriors - to fight for honor, for merchants - to sell profitably and enjoy, have a holiday to the fullest, work with the artisans and feed the family. There are no right or wrong here. And so I believe that if two people from different castes want.