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From the author: Interview for the magazine "Guid-Info", No. 3, 2009, pp. 12-14 Have you ever thought about how much time you need to get everything done? Simple mathematical operations will show how many hours you have left to accomplish everything you have planned. How many years are you going to live? The question is, of course, unexpected, but, for sure, your inner voice gave you some kind of figure. Take it and subtract from it the number corresponding to your age. You have received the number of years in which you can achieve everything you want. But we don't stay awake 24 hours a day. Therefore, from 24 hours subtract the figure corresponding to the average duration of your sleep. Now multiply the number of “waking hours” by 365 days a year by the number of years that you have not yet lived. You have received a watch during which you will be able to realize all your dreams. Is this possible? You say. After all, unfortunately, not all of our wishes come true... There is no need to regret - we need to act. Understand what you need from life and be able to make rational decisions. People want and want to get a lot. Successful people know exactly how to achieve everything. Because they set goals wisely and achieve them. Have you decided not to waste a single minute of the precious time that you want to spend for your benefit? There are many ways to solve the problems. And coaching will help you suggest possible ways to solve your problems - a type of consulting that helps you clearly define your goals, concentrate on achieving them and get great results in the shortest possible time, with maximum impact. This is a method of consciously managing your own life, which helps you act more effectively. Do you want to understand the following questions: Does what you do really bring you the most satisfaction? How much do your daily activities bring you pleasure? Is there something not very pleasant and unnecessary in life, and are you ready to put up with it? What in life gives you happiness and joy? Are you completely satisfied with life? What feeling would you like to get from every day of your life? Have you achieved everything you wanted? What else do you want to achieve in life? Then you just need to contact a coach – a specialist for whom the most important thing in his work is the client’s success. A group of employees of the regional state institution “Belgorod Information Foundation” has been actively developing this area in our city since 2008. Dmitry Maratovich Panteleev, director of the Belgorod Information Foundation, talked to us about the effectiveness of coaching and its application in various areas of our lives. - Dmitry Maratovich, what, in your opinion, prevents people from becoming successful? - People are held back only by limiting beliefs, stereotypes and the lack of specific, measurable, important goals. The fundamental premise of coaching is the firm belief that each person has unique creative potential to achieve tangible, powerful results in all areas of their lives. - What is the main way a coach works? - In English, the word “coach” has several meanings – coach, personal trainer, mentor, tutor. Origin of the term. Contrary to popular myth, the word “coach” is far from new. It is of Hungarian origin, and took hold in England in the 16th century. Then it meant nothing more than a carriage or cart. Here one can see one of the deep analogies of the term - “that which quickly delivers to the goal and helps to move along the way.” Later, in the second half of the 19th century, English students used this term to refer to private tutors. In the early nineties of the 19th century, this word firmly entered the sports lexicon as the name of a sports coach, and then moved on to designate any activity related to mentoring, instructing and consulting. Nowadays the term “coaching” is widelydistributed in all economically developed countries. It is especially widely used in the field of human resource management (HR management). The main way a coach works is a conversation with a client, in which the coach asks specially structured questions. In a sense, coaching is the art of asking questions. However, this is not just a list of questions. In coaching, there are clear rules and work standards that are declared by the International Coaching Federation. A coach never gives advice on what exactly and how to do it. An effective coach knows how and can create conditions for the client to evaluate his current situation and find his own solution. At the same time, an experienced coach relies not only and not so much on his own resources, but on the capabilities and abilities of the client. - What are the types of coaching? - Today there are several types of coaching. For example, life is coaching, which allows a person to create a balance between different areas of life and gain a deeper understanding of himself. Executives – coaching (executive coaching), thanks to which the activities of a manager become more effective. Personal coaching is the individual work of a coach with a client, in other words, it is personal support for the client (most often the head of a company or department). The coach meets with the client for coaching sessions over a period of time (for example, once a week for one hour for six months). Team coaching is a special technology of group work, during which employees solve problems that are relevant to the organization. Essentially, this is team training in the coaching style. Managerial coaching or coaching as a management style implies that the leader (manager) himself becomes a coach for his employees, that is, he uses coaching technology in management. This is a new approach to personnel management, a new management style based on employees’ awareness of their actions and taking responsibility for their consequences. Organizational development coaching allows a team to realize, discover its potential, see untapped resources and apply them to achieve organizational goals. As a result of training, a more harmonious, comfortable environment appears in the company, which stimulates and motivates employees to achieve better individual and group results at work. - Please tell us about the use of coaching in business. - Coaching is a well-proven business technology that allows you to maximize your personal and professional effectiveness in a short time, and learn to achieve your goals easily and with pleasure. It is based on the well-founded belief that people have amazing and limitless abilities to think, create, learn, make decisions and take responsibility. At the same time, the coach’s task is to help the client use his own resources to achieve the best result. - Can coaching itself be considered a successful business? - Coaching arose and is rapidly developing as a direction in business because very successful people, by the way, who wanted to become even more successful, calculated the return (return) on the funds invested in coaching per one ruble (dollar or other monetary equivalent). The results of a number of studies indicate that the return exceeds 500 percent, i.e. One monetary unit of funds spent on coaching brings more than five monetary units of additional income. Great business! - How do you conduct coaching sessions? - When conducting coaching sessions, in addition to questions, I use various metaphors that clarify for the client ways to solve the problems facing him. In team coaching, role-playing games, collective drawing and discussion of feature films are added; there are many working methods, it all depends on the specific case. As a rule, clients achieve significant results within four to six.