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Men very often come to me with the question: “My wife has left, how can I get my wife back?” And over many years of continuous practice, I have developed a certain technique that helps to get my wife back and restore relationships. And below I will share its main aspects and succinctly outline the list of steps. Relationships on the verge of a breakup Let's imagine the following situation: A love relationship has lost all novelty, and lovers have become like roommates, almost not noticing each other. Intimacy is gone; They communicate on general topics out of habit and respond with short remarks. And suddenly thunder descends from heaven: the wife proposes to break off the marriage. The man, who did not expect this, is in shock. And not yet recovering, he suddenly turns into an ideal husband, scattering gifts left and right. But this unexpected change will not correct the mistakes of many years and sometimes even decades. The wife, determined, still distances herself from him and stops any attempts to improve the relationship. What absolutely cannot be done in this situation: Do not shower her with gifts and expensive bouquets. At most she will be a little flattered: but her decision will still not change. You can’t bring back lost love with ten flowers. No humiliation or requests. You will only demonstrate your weakness and completely lose your authority in her eyes. Do not blame your wife for anything if you are going to get her back. She will only get angrier. Don't apologize for your mistakes every minute: you will again show weakness and make a ridiculous fool of yourself. Never blackmail with children. Women don’t forgive this. Don’t remind your wife about her financial dependence. Don’t forget that when dividing the property, a good half of your apartment will go to her. What you need to start doing First, collect your thoughts and clearly answer the question: why did she want to leave? Be honest and look for the root cause of these troubles. Learn to speak in concise phrases and be less interested in your wife’s affairs. In short, imitate her behavior, but always remain extremely calm. Don’t talk to her about property and your relationship while you still share the same apartment. Don’t argue about anything: stun your wife and shift all responsibility for the separation onto her conscience. She was hoping that you would start begging her to stay, but instead you calmly agreed to the divorce. The chance of her returning soon will increase sharply. Leave the shared apartment and try to completely cut off the entire information flow with her. No correspondence, if possible, and no personal communication. How to proceed? Often the man bears the lion's share of the blame for his wife's departure: neglect of her, bad habits and rude attitude destroy the good feeling that arose in his youth. I do not deny the existence of inadequate hysterics and lustful girls who want to have twenty suitors at once. But such girls are exceptional cases. That's why I usually advise, after moving out or sending your wife out, to take care of yourself. It's enough to look in the mirror to make sure that my advice is correct. When was the last time you shaved or exercised? What ambitious goals do you set for yourself? Come to your senses! A moderate life next to your beautiful wife has completely killed you: you have become accustomed to peace and have lost your independence. This is the reason for your irresistible longing for the past. You have finally forgotten how to live on your own. But everything can be fixed. Look in the mirror again and finally wake up from a bad dream. It's time for you to work. Join a gym or start putting in more effort at work. Be successful. Win and enjoy life. And as soon as your ex-wife finds out that you are happy, her love interest will awaken again. There is no logic or common sense in this, but this is how it all works. As for children, do not forget about them. The little ones will be sad without you. And if they smile happily every time they spend time with you, your wife will love you with renewed vigor. For her, children come first)