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On the Internet they constantly talk about the need to accept yourself and others, but they don’t tell you how to do it. It's time to correct this situation. There are 4 main stages in accepting yourself or anything else: 1. Recognize the problem If we were satisfied with everything about ourselves, then there would be no problems. But if you are accepting yourself, there is most likely some kind of problem. For example, you don't accept being overweight or having a short temper. Then the problem would sound like this: “I can’t lose weight”, “I can’t control my emotions”2. Admit powerlessness We cannot always change something in a situation. In some situations you can really change something. It remains to understand what we can influence, and what, unfortunately, is beyond your control. It’s also worth thinking about whether you really want to change something in your life. You can endlessly talk about how you want to accustom yourself to discipline and you don’t like your laxity, but at the same time do nothing. As a result, a person rushes between two camps; he wants to sit on both chairs. Do nothing and still get results. You need to decide for yourself what you choose. If you still don’t like your trait, then it’s time to start working on it. If you understand that you don’t want to do anything, you don’t need to engage in self-flagellation. Admit your powerlessness in the fact that you cannot do anything about it.3. Give up the fight Well, you tried all the ways to influence your characteristics, nothing worked for you. Stop, stop wasting your energy further. Don't try to change something that doesn't suit you. Let him be. You are not satisfied with the appearance, let it be what it is. If you don't like your randomness, let it be. If you are not satisfied with your laziness, allow yourself to be lazy.4. How can you coexist with this? When you have gone through all the stages, realized your powerlessness and stopped any attempts to fight, it’s time to start looking for a way to coexist with this. Speaking metaphorically. Summer brings me a lot of inconvenience. My skin is burning, I'm hot, stuffy. (step 1). But I also realize that I am powerless in the face of summer; I cannot make the sun not be so hot (step 2). I don’t even try to somehow change the summer, make it cool (step 3). I'll just stock up on sunscreen, dress lightly, and sit in front of the fan. (step 4) I know to myself that cooking is not my thing. Of course, I could go to study culinary skills, but in any case I will not do cooking. Accordingly, what problems could there be? The homemade food is not of the highest quality and variety; I will not be able to build a family with a man for whom it is important that a woman leads the household. I may face judgment like “Well, you’re a girl, you should know how to cook.” I admit my powerlessness is that I simply don’t want to do this, I don’t have the resources or desire for it. I'm not trying to change this trait in myself. So what do I do about it? I delegate the cooking to other people, or I cook something that does not require great culinary skills from the “throw it in, it will cook itself” series. I also protected myself from those people who have a negative attitude towards my trait. My trait doesn’t bother me in any way, and I can easily coexist with it. This algorithm can be perfectly applied to other people. For example, you were cheated on. How can this be accepted? 1. You know this and realize what problems this causes you (trust, possible departure, condemnation of society, etc.)2. Recognize that you cannot change what happened and that your partner is such a person. 3. You cannot force another person not to cheat, you do not control the behavior of other people, which means any attempts to change this situation must be stopped. 4. There can be many options for coexisting with this - try to build trust, get a divorce and grab part of the property, start cheating yourself,!