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Praise increases a teenager's self-esteem and shapes him into a successful personality. But does this mean that criticism is not needed, that it is enough to praise and approve, then everything will be all right? Not at all. Criticism, just like praise, can be useful. What? First, let's figure out what criticism is. If we criticize, it means we are trying to figure something out. For what? To evaluate something correctly. Evaluation can be positive or negative. And criticism is destructive and constructive. With the help of destructive criticism, we establish what is bad. And constructive criticism helps to improve what is bad. For example, parents, instead of telling a child that his essay is no good, it is bad, can give advice on how it would be better to change it, make the text more interesting, beautifully presented. Constructive criticism teaches a child (teenager) to work on mistakes, to understand himself, to generate ideas. If a teenager and a child are only praised, he will not understand his mistakes, will not know what he is doing wrong, will not see what corrections can be made to the same essay. As for understanding oneself, here the teenager learns to find where he is stronger and where he is weaker, and the parents’ task is to explain that strengths need to be actively used, and weak ones should be developed. In a word, constructive criticism develops, motivates, inspires. How is it right to criticize? First of all, we don’t label a teenager. We don’t call him a lazy person, a slob, or other offensive words. Let's focus on what he does. For example, if a teenager is diligently studying for a test, we definitely talk about it. We say that we noticed how he did it, how hard he tried. Secondly, we don’t tragicate minor failures. Everyone has them, even adults. And an adult may forget to do something small, not very significant. Of course, the child and teenager are in a learning state, and it is important that he does not forget anything; in this case, we can say that mom or dad were upset that a small assignment was not completed. At the same time, it is necessary to express the hope that next time puberty will not forget about the assignment and will fulfill it. This way, the teenager will begin to grasp the difference between a minor nuisance and a real disaster. Parents should always teach their child everything, no matter what age he is. After all, even if a teenager is already considered old enough, he cannot always understand what is required of him. Mom or Dad gave him a task, but he never completed it. He doesn’t know what to do, he’s at a loss, almost in a stupor. And the parents are indignant at the slowness and do not want to explain, citing the fact that he is not small and is capable of doing everything himself. It's better to stop the outrage. Come up and ask if the teenager understands everything, is there any need to explain, or help with something? And most importantly, parents should show the teenager that love for the child does not disappear anywhere - whether they criticize or praise. Moreover, it is important not only to speak, but also to show it through actions and deeds. Subscribe to my VKontakte community and receive a bonus: the meditative practice “Shamatha”. Calm your mind and find inner peace! https://vk.com/app5898182_-224026628#u=1791044&s=2609310