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From the author: Truth is beyond any personal gain and acquisition. A mind that craves acquisition, achievement, will never be able to find the truth. The search for acquisition is a search for security, refuge, but truth is not security, not refuge. Truth is what liberates, destroying any refuge, any security. Jiddu Krishnamurti How often we cling to the possession of another person. It seems to us that having merged with him once in ecstasy, we can continue to “merge” in any situation of everyday life. A person has his own daily routine, but we must fit into it, annoyingly reminding us of ourselves. This is unconditional love in our understanding. One day a whirlwind will rush in, in the form of destruction of relationships built with such difficulty. He will suddenly appear in your life, sweeping away on his way cute prejudices and inventions about another person. A man will cease to be yours - what an ancient Greek tragedy! And the world will collapse, and there will be no one else to send your endless emotions every day. Now there will be exactly twenty-four hours in a day, multiplied by minutes and seconds in each of them, lasting forever, because of your pain and despair. I endlessly ask myself the question: “How could it be that I couldn’t keep a man, I couldn’t save love?” What, exactly, was this love expressed in? In the possession of another person - his time, thoughts, desires, aspirations, dreams. Finally, the body. And how can we now live without someone else’s and such a dear body? Try to live with yourself? Impossible, strange, cruel - but it will have to be done. You will have to return step by step to your former self, already forgotten. Just wake up in the morning and see the sun rise without him, accept it, and understand that it is a blessing. It’s as if you had lost your bulletproof vest, become defenseless without your love, without possessing a man. But, at the same time, you became open to the world, which you tried not to notice for a long time. It will no longer be possible to artificially build your shelter, because the truth of life has stared you in the face. That truth from which you have been trying for a long time to hide your head in the sand. Through pain, through the deprivation of established relationships that no longer bring joy, comes a feeling of awareness of yourself in the world. Perhaps not ideal, rough and prickly. But in a world without illusions of happiness. After all, fictional happiness, which consisted in holding a man by any means necessary, is not an end in itself. The goal turned out to be life itself, with its truth, imperfection, tenderness and pain. Life is the truth, not the endless self-deception you call love.