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At the beginning of my practice, and even during my studies, when self-confidence as a specialist was just gaining momentum, nothing gave such support as communication with colleagues: more experienced, who had already started practice or still “green” like you. And during this period the question arises: you are just at the start, where can you find a community, where can you turn with questions about the first cases, the first “oh God, I don’t know what to do with the client,” and even your own experiences about yourself as a specialist? Intervision groups help in this matter with a bang. Let me immediately note that supervision and intervision are 2 different forms of professional support and development of one’s professional competencies. I will highlight the story of supervision as a separate topic, which I will talk about in the near future. But I’ll give you a spoiler: a novice specialist needs a supervisor. In general, one does not exclude the other. What are the advantages of the group form of interaction between psychologists? Professional support and exchange of experience with colleagues. Actually, this is where I started and is the main thesis and mission of intervision. This is especially important for those psychologists who conduct private practice or work in small teams where there is no possibility of collegial work and consultations. Development of professional skills through the exchange of experience: a psychologist can learn or share new work methods, techniques, or strengthen his understanding of approaches, in which other specialists work. Assistance in working with a specific case or client that is causing difficulties. Discussing the case among colleagues allows you to get different opinions regarding the request and thereby determine the vector of further work and develop an effective work strategy that previously caused difficulties and blockages. Self-reflection, where would we be without it? Participation in intervision groups allows the psychologist to pay attention to his own weaknesses, strengths, professional interests or blind spots. And identify directions for development. A psychologist is a profession that requires constant learning and self-development. Sharing experiences with colleagues and discussing cases and professional difficulties significantly improves the level of a specialist’s competencies and increases self-confidence as a professional. It would take a long time to list the advantages of this form of work; I have highlighted the main advantages, in my opinion. Anything to add? Write in the comments, I will be glad to discuss! Also, colleagues, I invite you to participate in a closed intervisor group of specialists working with problems of psychological distress in children and adolescents, child-parent and family relationships. More detailed information can be found at the link at the end of the publication. I will be glad to find new valuable connections. Prosperity and love to all❤Announcement of the upcoming event and detailed information: https://www.b17.ru/training.php?id=90368&prt=902308