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Allow yourself to sit in a comfortable position. So that no one and nothing distracts you. Close your eyes and allow yourself to breathe deeply... deep inhale - deep exhale. And watch your breathing, several cycles. - Let yourself imagine your ideal day... Feel yourself in this day.. .how do you like it? Start with how you feel now, what emotions fill you? What are the sensations in your body right now? If you want, you can say everything out loud, or you can just allow yourself to conduct your internal monologue... choose as you feel comfortable! Listen to what you hear? different sounds, voices...Look around who and what surrounds you? Consider every detail, take your time... just allow yourself to observe and examine everything, be curious, from a state of interest like a small child. Now pay attention to yourself? How do you feel now, what sensations are in your body? just let things happen. What are you wearing? Describe your outfit brightly and colorfully. Are you alone or is there someone with you? What do you do? just watch yourself from the outside, take your time. See what time of year is your ideal day? Are there any signs of a holiday? What do you want to do now? What are the sensations in your body now? What feelings and emotions are you experiencing now? Consider everything again and be in your ideal day for as long as you need! And when that’s enough, slowly open your eyes, stretch well, take a deep breath and on a deep exhale, shake everything body, arms, legs and say - I am here and now!!! If you did this technique yourself, then take a pen and a piece of paper. If you wish, you can write down everything, all the images that came to you, so a picture of your ideal day. And answer the question - what valuable things did you learn from this practice! Write everything that comes to you. Now take paper, paints or pencils (markers) and draw your ideal day. Or make a collage from clippings from magazines and newspapers. Pay attention to what feelings, emotions and sensations in your body after this practice. Thank yourself for the work done. Your psychologist Lyko Yana