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Spoiler title Expanding spoiler text I am 46 years old. When meeting with my clients and patients, I often see “young old men and grandmothers” in front of me. I think how old he is, and with horror I find out that he is ten years younger than me. With women, of course, it’s more difficult, because no one has canceled it. I will not go into detail about external reasons. These include nutrition, abuse, and infection. But I will dwell on the internal reason in more detail. In addition, the influence of internal causes overshadows external factors. I know people with HIV who are full of youth and vigorous, but they age faster than the population. The internal cause is active alpha and theta brain waves. These waves are pronounced in childhood and often subside after 30 years. Their presence is expressed in a lively interest in life, a look of surprise and admiration on literally everything. The brain in childhood, as a receiver, is capable of operating at this frequency, and more often than not, after 30 years, the receiver settings are lost. But they can be restored. Among the methods, meditation and a technical tool based on it - a mind machine - can be used. This is a military-made product, used for rehabilitation after military expeditions, and today it is quite accessible for your own purchase. In addition, communication and games with the children themselves enliven this type of waves. And of course, appealing to your inner child. I want to dwell on this a little more. Many psychotechnologies for appealing to your inner child provoke tears, trembling, and sometimes make you feel feverish. Among the feelings you can find sadness, fear, and shame. And this is not easy. These are the very traumas that, with their symptom-defenses, have blocked access to a vivid perception of the world, to a sense of novelty. And so, when you turned to your inner child, supported him (having received external support from a specialist), and cried out the accumulated tears, you will certainly feel lighter and freer. But this is just the beginning. After all, it is important not only to open up, but to maintain this openness. How to do it? And this is where parental experience comes to the rescue. I take my child to practice 2 times a week, and twice to preschool and robotics. While the child is at training, I train myself. A year later, I began to appear in the top five in competitions in my favorite sport - orienteering. I love this sport! And so, we do the same with ourselves - we take ourselves to the gym, to a dance school or a culinary club. Something you’ve been wanting to try or do for a long time! Forward! This is where willpower is needed. Have you ever had a time when you “step on the gas” so that after work you can pick up your child from school and then take him to training? Same with yourself! Whether your parents took care of you or not, whether you took care of your children or not, now you can do it yourself for the inner child. And from the point of view of an adult, you can control that everything is harmonious. The guide to the right path is a smile. It can be inconspicuous externally or only internally. A feeling of being filled with quiet joy. A small feeling, but its impact is much greater than bright bursts of laughter. And don’t try to immediately tell or share how you worked out. This only scatters the experience without allowing it to integrate.