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From the author: The article examines such a feature of communication as the non-verbal behavior of the listener, which is sensitively captured and assessed by the interlocutor. Communication skills are important for a person throughout his life: at work and at home, in building a career and in personal relationships. For effective communication, you need to understand and use the features of both verbal and nonverbal communication and behavior that help the speaking interlocutor understand that he is being listened to attentively. To become an effective interlocutor, you should listen carefully to the speaker, without waiting for your turn to speak, but really devote your time and attention to your interlocutor, try to penetrate and understand the meaning of the speech, because we all easily understand and feel when we are really being listened to, and when they are pretending. So, most people definitely feel whether we are being listened to during a conversation or not, and, in many ways, such feedback at the level of feelings and sensations is associated with our non-verbal behavior. Let's consider the features of body language perception that our interlocutor so sensitively picks up, reading feedback signals, reactions of the listener. I would like to note the following important points: - eye contact - it is important to constantly maintain eye contact with the speaker, as if saying: “I have all my attention!”, “I am focused only on you alone!”; - facial expression - the expression of an active person the listener must be interested, must capture and reflect the emotions of the speaker, depending on what feelings he is talking about: if it is something funny, an anecdote or a joke, then it is better to smile back at ease; if we are talking about something important, serious, responsible, the facial expression usually becomes preoccupied and tense; if philosophical reflections on the mortal, vital - stock up on endurance and patience and your face will take on a patient and calm expression; - posture - signals of attention to the speaker suggest a turn of the body and some tilt towards the interlocutor for a better perception of his words, which shows interest and respect for interlocutor; - voice - tone of voice, intonation serve as additional indicators of your attention, they should be encouraging, encouraging the speaker to continue the conversation. Understanding the listed simple non-verbal techniques of active, attentive listening will allow you to become a better interlocutor and a pleasant listener. These abilities will be useful for building harmonious relationships and effective communication on which your success in life depends! Just keep in mind the listed features and, from time to time, compare your behavior with them, remembering the psychologist’s described advice.