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The cause of many problems and difficult situations in life is often reduced to a lack of self-love. “Love yourself. Accept yourself as you are. And you will be happy.” It seems that most of us have heard such advice at least once. It would seem that everything is so simple. But in reality... Sometimes it’s a long journey to yourself with a specialist, identifying, analyzing and uprooting negative attitudes about yourself, introducing more adaptive ones in their place, then carefully nurturing them, making adjustments. But today is not about that. Each of us There are strong and not so strong sides. Yes, it’s good if we build on the first ones, pay more attention to them, shift the focus to them, strengthen them. But what to do with the second ones? Hide it? Hide? Shove it into the far corner of our consciousness? No. This is also part of us. What makes us so special and different from others. Someone will say: “Of course, it sounds great, but it doesn’t make it any easier...” - and they will be right. Therefore, I would like to share a technique that you can safely use in independent work on yourself. I’ll make a reservation that there are no “magic pills”, but as an additional tool for self-knowledge and self-acceptance, it can be very useful. So, the technique itself. STEP 1. Write down 5 of your shortcomings - qualities that you cannot accept in yourself, that you do not like about yourself. STEP 2. Answer yourself questions: - Is this really about me? -What confirmation? -What are the disproving facts? -Did any significant people tell (impose) this on me? If so, what does this say about him? What benefits/conveniences did he receive by calling this flaw in you? - Can this really be called a flaw? If you have completely refuted any of the points, we cross them out and then work with the rest. STEP 3. For each shortcoming, come up with 3 points about how they can help, what is good and useful about them? Monitor your thoughts and feelings at the same time, your attitude towards yourself. STEP 4. Diary of virtues. Write down at least one of your virtues per day. At least for a month. If resistance arises from the series: “Yes, this cannot be called a virtue / I’m doing some kind of nonsense” - write anyway, this is the inner critic turning on. Note which points he “speaks” most actively. If this technique resonates with you, you want to try it or have already done it, I would be glad if you share your experience in the comments. Successful and productive work on self-acceptance to everyone who strives for this! The road will be mastered by those who walk.