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From the author: MAYBE I FORGOT TO WRITE SOMETHING? SO LEAVE A COMMENT! Psychologists say that at the age of one and a half to three years, a child begins to explore the boundaries of what is permitted: “Will the parents allow you to pull the tablecloth off the table?” He needs these boundaries in order to feel safe. If earlier a baby had enough of his mother’s hand and his father’s voice, now he needs something more. The mechanism of a baby’s interaction with the world is very simple: if the parents’ reaction to the same action is repeated, then it is recorded by the child as the norm. In the future, trying to feel safe, the baby performs the same actions and waits for the usual reaction (he broke the cup - the mother got angry). If the parents' reaction is different, the child will not feel as usual as safe. It is very important for parents to understand that this is not a whim of the child, but a desire to receive a sign that everything is fine, everything is normal, everything is as usual. In addition, over time, the child needs to deal with resistance from people and the environment around him. Receiving no resistance, he subconsciously feels that something is wrong and perceives it as a danger. So the paradox is actually quite natural: a child who is hysterical needs the resistance of others in order to feel safe.► Parents need to once and for all determine the list of allowed and forbidden things and always adhere to the established prohibition. It is enough to deviate from the created rules once, succumb to pity, and the baby will immediately feel his power over you. In turn, parents are looking for ways out of the current situation and many of them even develop their own know-how. It is important to understand which method is most suitable for your child: one needs a stern shout from a parent, another needs a mild but effective punishment (for example, sit on a chair and ask him to think about his behavior), the third needs soft, calm words from his mother, the fourth, alas, can no longer do without a good spank: “No” to everything. I usually say “need”, grab it and put it on. Or I come up with something interesting. But it doesn't always work out. Or I come up with something interesting as I go along (getting dressed), the child immediately forgets that he just didn’t want something. Strange as it may seem, the most effective method is considered to be the absence of an audience. Therefore, for the first time, psychologists recommend leaving the child alone in the room. It often happens that emotions, having reached their peak, disappear on their own. Another effective method is the so-called active listening. In this case, you need to calmly, without emotion, tell the child that you understand his feelings: “I understand, you are tired and angry...” or “I see that you are not feeling well...”. True, this method only works when the child is still able to perceive words. If the hysteria has already entered the active phase, then any exhortations may be useless and more severe intervention, and sometimes even its complete absence, will be required.✔ Hysteria in a child Parents need to once and for all determine the list of permitted and forbidden things and always adhere to the established prohibition. It is enough to deviate from the created rules once, to succumb to pity, and the baby will immediately feel his power over you. Very often, in a conflict situation, parents try to divert attention to something more interesting. However, this method is only good for very young children. The situation will repeat again and again until it is resolved. So if hysteria does happen, then avoid pleasing, switching attention and persuasion. First of all, in simple and short phrases, explain to the little whim why his demands will not be met. If the child came on his own, caress him, hug him and be sure to discuss what happened, if not now, then later, when passions have finally subsided. based on materials from Internet sites