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From the author: Answer to a client’s question. Consultations by e-mail: Please help! Question: I have a younger son, January 25 of this year. he turned 18 years old. When he was 7.5 years old, a clairvoyant looked at him, predicting: a white wide road high into the heights. Everything that she predicted that day in relation to me, to the family, to the older children came true to the last (.), but with the youngest son, for about more than a year, unpleasant things began to happen: how he would drink a little more (beer, or tonic), becomes very aggressive, although he hasn’t hit anyone yet, but he has broken several chairs and doors in the house. The clairvoyant said that it is necessary to cleanse the Rod along the husband’s line. He can kill, and he will also be maimed, she left on her own business, I am in great anxiety, I ask him not to drink at all, but he does not listen to my requests (my husband died 10 days after a conversation with a clairvoyant, I am in my stepfather’s house I didn’t enter. The son was named after my husband’s father, my grandfather fought throughout the war. My husband’s mother died when my husband was 2 years old, there were 4 brothers, the husband was the youngest, the older brother died this year from cancer. I would be glad for any help. Thank you. God bless you. Answer: Hello. A woman receives the most difficult test from fate when problems arise in her children. From your letter, I understood that your husband has problems in his family. And it is quite logical that we would work with this. But let's not go far, let's try what is closest and most accessible to you. After all, everything that happens to men is usually shaped by women. Women create the environment and living space, and men enter into them. Let's look at this situation soberly. .Your son lives with you, his father is no longer there. He is very aggressive with you. Why is he angry with you? Why exactly do you have to see this? What does your son bring to you? How did you feel about his father? Was there anger and aggression on your part towards him? Imagine, looking at your son, that you are looking at yourself in a mirror - a crooked, magnifying mirror that magnifies everything to an incredibly large size, so that everything can be seen in it .Where and with whom did you behave or behave in a similar way? To whom are you causing the same pain that your son is causing you? Our children come to this world as our teachers. They very clearly reflect our inner world with their actions and deeds. For example, a mother experiences strong aggression towards someone, but in her mind, without showing it to anyone outwardly, while destroying herself and her loved ones in the subtle and then in the physical presence. The son reflects her inner world with his external actions, begins to behave aggressively with everyone, as if showing his mother her reflection. Remember, watch what you think about, what you do before your son experiences this state. Watch very carefully what is going on with you, who are you very angry with? I am sure that you will find the answer, you must understand what your boy REFLECTS and GIVES to you. The children love us very much and try in every possible way to help us, even in such a strange way. Such things are very clearly visible in the constellations, how our children, “saving” us, ruin their lives. Think, stay with this information. You will definitely understand what you need to change in yourself to help your boy. As a rule, almost every mother looks for the reason not in herself, but in her husband’s family. But start with yourself. Look at yourself first, work with yourself, and then - maybe you won’t need to do anything, everything will be decided by itself!? Maybe if you change something in yourself, then some family scenarios will stop affecting your family!? All family scenarios or “karmic” situations, as they are popularly called, operate when family members do not change anything in their behavior , but live their lives without realizing why they experience certain situations. Karma is at the level of cause, and consciousness is an order of magnitude higher. By being aware of situations and tracking cause-and-effect relationships, a person can change his behavior pattern and change his fate and the fate of his children. And another small recommendation: much.