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Loneliness is not something extraordinary, but its impact on a person's life can be very influential and vary depending on how we perceive it. For example, feelings of loneliness may be lower in people who choose to be lonely compared to those who suffer from being alone. Humans are by nature social creatures. A single person who has a strong social support network of friends, family, neighbors or other connections is less likely to experience feelings of loneliness than a single person who does not have such a network. Likewise, a person in a romantic relationship who has few outside connections may also feel lonely. Regardless of the cause or situation, chronic loneliness can lead to serious long-term mental and physical health consequences, including an increased risk of: Type 2 diabetes Heart disease and stroke Substance abuse Depression Anxiety Dementia Earlier death These potential consequences illustrate how important it is to feel socially connected. However, this does not necessarily mean that you have to find a partner and that is the only way you will be happy and healthy. Loneliness may have more to do with life circumstances than romantic relationship status. You can create a lifestyle in which you don't just passively wait for things to happen, but actively participate in activities that enrich your life. Finding a new hobby or dedicating time to developing strong friendships can make all the difference. This can not only increase your level of happiness, but also increase your chances of meeting someone who shares the same things that are important to you. Whether you're feeling lonely or just frustrated with your single status or relationship difficulties, keep the following 12 points in mind to help you develop a helpful or more constructive perspective. Social media is not reality. On social media, people often display an emasculated a picture of your life and relationships that reality does not always reflect. While authentic posts, rather than just showcasing the highlights of someone's life, can correlate with positive influence and mood, it's still common to only show the perfect-looking aspects of someone's life, including romantic relationships. If you're scrolling through the page and feeling sad that you haven't met the right person because it seems like everyone else is already in the perfect relationship, it can help to remind yourself that that's not true—no matter how it may look in the first place. social network. Every relationship has its ups and downs, and there are plenty of single people too. Trust the process rather than focusing on the status of the relationship There are no guarantees in life or relationships; It's not necessary that everyone who wants to find a long-term romantic partner will find one. However, you can rest assured that active dating and meeting new people is more likely to lead you to your goal than not—and that either way, it can bring you rich, new life experiences that would otherwise you wouldn't have. Additionally, single life can offer valuable opportunities for personal growth and self-discovery, allowing you to fully understand what you truly want in a successful relationship.3. Mentality matters Being single can be a challenging experience, but that doesn't mean suffering is inevitable. Almost every choice and circumstance in life has its advantages and disadvantages, including being single or in a romantic relationship. Reminding yourself of the good in the current period of your life and striving to appreciate it can be helpful. Solitude has benefits When you don't pour out your emotional energy on another person, you may have more opportunitiesfor self-discovery, growth and personal development. Doing these things can enrich your life by bringing pleasure and new experiences. It can also help you expand your feelings of self-knowledge and self-love, as well as build a healthy, independent life, all of which can come in handy in a relationship if you decide to get into one later. Keep a balance between your dating standards If you're actively looking for a dating partner but haven't had much success, it may be helpful to evaluate your requirements. Believing that there is one person who is perfect for you and effortless is usually unrealistic, so trusting someone who checks every line on a long list is unlikely to lead to success. In this case, it may be helpful to be a little more realistic and less rigid, and to allow yourself the freedom to see who you are communicating with. However, desiring a partner so much that you lower your standards and end up in a relationship that is unsuitable or even harmful is generally unwise too. Striking a balance between these extremes can be key. Other relationships are important too Loneliness often allows you to spend more time with friends, family, colleagues, neighbors or relatives. These relationships can provide a sense of social connectedness and emotional support, and can also help alleviate the severity of loneliness if you experience it. For example, you can take up new hobbies and work on your personal growth with a best friend with whom you share common interests. Be careful with dating apps While dating apps can be a fruitful way to connect with new people, they can also lead to feelings of dating burnout. Scrolling for hours or scheduling too many dates in a short time can make it difficult to meaningfully interact with someone and can also contribute to desensitization toward dating. Being aware of your energy and engagement levels can help you enjoy dating more and increase your resilience in the dating world. Be the type of person you want to find This can help you prepare to form positive relationships if you try to be the type of partner you want to find. In other words, being a better life partner means being a person who checks boxes for themselves first. Enjoying your own company and living up to the standards you set for a potential partner are two examples of how you could achieve this. Your Feelings Are Valid Sometimes it's normal to feel upset about being alone. As with almost any journey in life, it is natural to experience difficult moments and feel overwhelmed from time to time. Although thinking about these feelings can contribute to negative mental health outcomes, acknowledging them and then practicing self-compassion can help you get through these periods.10. Don't Give Up If finding a romantic partnership is important to you, it's okay to keep trying even if you fail. Giving up dating out of frustration when a long-term partnership is what you really want may not be the best choice. However, taking breaks as needed and taking care of yourself and your health along the way is usually of the utmost importance. Remember that you can lead an amazing life with or without a partner and that you may meet that special someone when you least expect it.11. Don't blame or make excuses for yourself Finding a partner often requires a combination of persistence and luck, so dating obstacles may not always apply to you, but it's worth thinking about how you present yourself to potential couples. In other words, a healthy response to disappointment in the dating world usually involves a combination of maintaining self-esteem and examining one's behavior. Asking friends about 89153518069