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From the author: “Q&A” section Difficulties with finances arise for only one reason - your Expenses exceed your Income. Yes, yes, that’s exactly it! After all, there are no accidents in life. In one of the previous articles, we discussed why in our society there is no culture of accumulating money and creating wealth, why there is not enough money (read HERE). That is why, even with a sharp increase in income, a person out of habit (himself without realizing it) spends everything he has. I am amazed by people who take out loans and then complain that they have to pay exorbitant interest rates on them. I am amazed by people who buy a new car (iPhone, etc.) instead of to buy Assets that can subsequently provide them with a comfortable life. Most people believe that they do not have enough money. In fact, they lack basic financial literacy and a little common sense. To start earning more than you do now, you will have to stop being who you are now. Yes, it’s not easy, but it can be done! Here is an approximate sequence of steps I recommend: 1) First, understand that personal finance is that part of your life where emotions should be under control, push them into the background. 2) Every time you are going to spend the money you earned, put your emotions away and turn on your analytical skills - “What will this purchase give me? Do I really need it?” 3) Right now, do a simple exercise - open your wardrobes, look at the balcony and mezzanine. Count how many things you bought on emotions (because you just wanted to buy them!), and now you DO NOT use these things .Now think about how much money you paid for these things? 4) With this money spent (in fact, thrown away by you) you could buy yourself good Assets that would slowly begin to bring you new money. 5) Develop within yourself immunity to reckless desire to spend (available or borrowed) money. Replace this with the good habit of investing your free money and creating Assets. I repeat once again - there are no coincidences in life. What you have now (your material wealth, level of savings and income) is the result of your attitude to money, to loans, to Assets and wealth. In other words, you yourself created your today’s Life. And if this is so, it means you can change it at any time! PS An hour before writing this article, I again bought index mutual funds (which I have been doing regularly for more than 10 years). My principle regarding personal finance is this - I buy Assets first, and only then everything else. PPS Want to understand how you can change your financial situation? Then this is the place for you => HERE I have collected must-read books on personal finance and investing