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William Etty's painting "Bacchanalia" is a reflection of the oral needs of manic personalities (love of fun, mischief, food, drinking). I continue the series of articles on the topic of compensatory (adaptive) mechanisms of the psyche of people with different personality types . In this article we will talk about manic individuals, then there will be articles about the compensatory mechanisms of depressives and paranoids, and the cycle will end with an article about narcissistic individuals. Don't miss it, it will be interesting! If you want to know about other types, write your suggestions. Manic personalities (or hypertimics according to A.E. Lichko’s classification) at first glance seem lively, sociable, and energetic. In a friendly company they can play the role of a clown, make jokes, joke, entertain listeners with various interesting stories about their adventures and even fables. You won’t get bored with them, they often demonstrate enviable optimism and indomitability in the face of the hardships of life, they are full of grandiose plans - “knee-deep seas,” as they say. Usually amorous. Attitude towards love - devaluation when there is a threat of loss or manic fixation on a certain object at the stage of its idealization. The main psychological defenses: denial, outward response, idealization and devaluation (the basis for the devaluation of hyperthyms is the motive of escaping from mental pain, while for a narcissist the main motive is envy). Normally, defense mechanisms can contribute to a person’s adaptation in society. With excessive action, these same defenses disrupt the adaptation process. Moderate action of denial helps maintain presence of mind, determination, positive self-esteem, because a person tends not to notice difficulties, not to attach importance to the criticism of outsiders, to some unfavorable circumstances in life. When the action of denial is pronounced, there may be an underestimation of the danger, an overestimation of one’s capabilities, thoughtless risks, a refusal to notice reality (for example, denial of the fact of a husband’s/wife’s infidelity, denial mistreatment, seriousness of illness, threat, etc.), denial of one’s feelings (humor and assurances that everything is fine when everything is bad), denial of needs (“I’m not tired”). The external response is expressed by flight from anxiety, frustrating situations in all possible ways (for example, going to work, short-term sexual relationships, alcoholism, looking for an outlet in fun companies, extreme sports). The moderate effect of this protection has a beneficial effect, maintains a positive attitude, prevents getting stuck in dark thoughts, fears, encourages action, to achieve goals .With pronounced activity, emotional and physical exhaustion occurs, emotional burnout syndrome, sleep disturbance, activity takes the form of agitated anxiety. Avoiding deep emotional contact does not allow one to establish a satisfying level of attachment; a person himself can break off relationships for fear of being abandoned, being vulnerable and wounded. I remember, as a teenager, I loved watching films with Jim Carrey, he seemed very funny to me, his reactivity was amazing, energy. In the actor's early films, such as "Ace Ventura", "Liar, Liar", you look at him and understand the impossibility of penetrating into his inner world, understanding his real feelings, because... everything is polished with a joke and a frivolous, superficial attitude. In his later works, Jim appears before his viewers in a completely different image - depressive. Having shown his true face, what is hidden behind the mask of a joker and a restless don’t care, he disappointed his audience, and his rating decreased significantly. Probably, under the influence of life’s hardships and professional overload, the actor decompensated and went into a depressive phase. With age and in the process of personal therapy, a person ideally gains internal maturity, moderate depression promotes empathy, the ability to take responsibility for oneself and for loved ones, and a philosophical outlook on life appear. Hyperthymics are also characterized - 2000/1500.