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From the author: If there is less and less joy from spending time together, conflicts flare up almost out of nowhere and tense silence often arises - then it’s time to “save” your relationship with a loved one. What should we do? What can we do completely independently, without putting it in the back drawer? First of all, you need to make sure that it is really very important for you to strengthen your relationship with your partner. Then, before you say, do or plan anything, you can ask yourself: “Will what I want to do now help improve my relationships?” And enhance the effect by asking yourself: “What can I do now to improve my relationship with the person I love?” Now we do what we planned. The main thing is to understand inside that you are doing all this for the sake of your relationship. At the same time, it is very important to support yourself in these actions and enjoy even small successes. Formulating some simple, memorable rules that will be easy for you to remember and implement can also help on this path. As an example, I will present 5 USEFUL PRINCIPLES for strengthening relationships from Elena Tararina (I adapted them a little for use by both partners) “It happens that people love each other, but the relationship does not work out, all days pass in endless quarrels, and to understand why the matter is simply impossible. However, everything can be fixed! Plant these 5 principles in your head - they won’t take up much space, but they will make your relationship with your loved one truly interesting and lasting!” 1. The principle of replenishment “It is a mistake to think that since you are together, then everything will now happen automatically. Look around, everything in nature is either subject to destruction by external forces or self-destructs. The same thing happens with relationships. If one or both partners stop invest in them, then a break is inevitable.” 2. The principle of territory This is a mistake to give all of yourself to your partner, forgetting about other areas of life. A partner and relationships are only part of your interests, but not everything in the world. You should have your own personal territory, hobbies, interests, desires, etc. Otherwise, then there will be the classic: “I have the best years for you, and you...” Live your life! 3. The principle of movement It is a mistake to stop developing, learning new things, and improving yourself. Our world is dynamic, and if you are frozen at one level, then faster ones will immediately overtake you. You need to be interesting to your partner, and the best way to do this is to always learn new things, live with interest, etc. 4. The principle of trust It is a mistake to tie a partner, depriving him of personal space. Re-read the previous paragraphs, and understand that the partner also needs to develop, have a certain freedom and live his own life, and not just relationships. If a person does not know how to combine personal freedom and fidelity in a relationship, think about whether you need one? 5. The principle of addition “It is important for a couple to create a common space. There must be something that unites your couple on three levels: emotional, intellectual and physical. As you understand, we are not talking about children, an apartment and a dog. Think right now , what you can do to strengthen your relationship and do it! "FB_LINK If you still cannot adhere to and act on a positive wave in the direction of improving your relationship with your loved one, it is important not to despair and look for other ways, including deciding to appeal for help from another person, a specialist. The main thing is to remember your goal and go towards it)) Various publications and materials on the psychology of relationships can be read on my blog on LiveJournal: http://rumyantseva-t.livejournal.com/Come in! I will be glad)) Contact me! I am ready to offer my help as a family psychologist - a psychoanalyst who constantly works with couples experiencing a crisis in their relationship. I will always be happy to help you or your loved ones! Psychological assistance to families experiencing a crisis is one of the main areas of my professional activity as a practical family psychologist,