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Anxiety is like a computer virus. The virus takes control of the entire computer, and anxiety takes control of thinking, emotions and behavior. The goal of CBT is to disable this virus by transforming anxious thoughts and beliefs. If we change the way we think about our problems, we will change the way those problems feel, and therefore your behavior. And so, how to understand whether you have an anxious mindset or not? Do you have thoughts like these: Thoughts that a bad result is most likely “People will think that I’m strange and won’t want to communicate with me” “I will most likely say something stupid at a meeting” “After the divorce, I will never get married” “Everything is bad at the company, I will soon be laid off” Thoughts about the worst outcome “I will never find friends, I will be an outcast all my life” “ This will be the most humiliating thing that can happen in my life” “I will be alone all my life and die with cats in my arms” “I will lose my job and be left without a livelihood” Thoughts about the inability to cope with difficulties “It will be difficult for me to find a new job, because .To. I make a terrible impression” “I won’t tolerate anxiety, I won’t cope with it” “I won’t know how to behave or what to say” Also, an underestimation of safety is inherent in anxious thinking. Anxious people are unable to notice the safe aspects of a situation, namely: - the inability to notice that people are actually friendly - the inability to track the level of their anxiety, to track that it is not as strong as it was before - the inability to remember that you have previously been to someone liked you and were invited to talk - inability to admit that the period of layoffs has passed and things are better in the company. Try to learn to catch your automatic anxious thoughts, this is already an important step. Next, think - Are you exaggerating the danger? How likely is a negative outcome? How can you cope? Have you dealt with similar situations before? How serious will the negative outcome be? What could be mitigating circumstances that you may not notice? In CBT, we learn to rethink automatic thoughts, bring them closer to reality, changing the disturbing anxiety to a productive, helping one. We change unproductive behavior to one that will lead to the goals and values ​​of life. We diagnose your anxiety pattern, its profile and its characteristics and change it. Tatiana Podgorbunskaya - Psychologist, CBT-therapist, member of the ACPP, Art therapist.+7-912-2466774My telegram channel: https://t.me/TatianaPsyArt VK community: PSYCHOLOGIST I Tatiana Podgorbunskaya (vk.com)