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This is my personal story about how, scared of my dream, I searched for myself, and happiness turned out to be so close. You just had to believe your heart. Now I am an expert in the topic of female self-realization, I help you find your place in life, find your true self and reach a new level of life without fears, uncertainty and resistance. But this was not always the case... I myself needed 10 years to decide to do what your soul has always strived for. And almost 3 years to start steadily increasing your income. I had to figure out a lot of things myself. I went through all the classic “rake” that you can go through. Giving up your dreams. Lack of self-confidence. Fear that nothing will work out. Fear of taking the first step. Inability to hear yourself and follow your heart. Fear of expressing yourself. Lack of support. Inability to value myself and what I do. Inability, inability, inability... Since school I dreamed of becoming a psychologist, and then, when the time came to enroll, I was scared. The dream suddenly began to seem transcendental and unrealistic, and I followed the same path as the majority, I entered where it was available. And then 10 years of hired work, although this is not the main thing. I don't consider this a minus. It was a job that provided stability, a small salary, but it did not allow me to reveal my individuality. I did what I could, but it didn’t bring me pleasure and didn’t fill my life with joy. Having received a diploma as a primary school teacher, I finally decided to become a psychologist, I was even hired right away, in parallel with my studies. But it was a job in the field of social protection, it required great communication skills, and this is absolutely not for me. I had to go to families at risk, conduct preventive conversations, communicate with people who were not particularly interested in changes and perceived our structure primarily as a punitive body, although this was not the case. I don’t know how this is possible, but in 6 years of working in social protection, I only had to speak publicly once at one of the school-wide parent meetings. How I managed to avoid this unenviable fate the rest of the time, I don’t know))) And this was a real test for me. I prepared for a week. I memorized the words, although I know that I shouldn’t do that. I worried as I had probably never experienced in my life. In the end, everything went well, of course, and I even got an applause at the end. But I would never want to repeat this again...Then I finally quit social security after maternity leave. But again she created yet another illusion for herself and deceived herself. I went to look for a quiet job, where I could sit in a corner and quietly do psychology, write my articles, without sticking my head out. At first I got to the factory because there was a vacancy in the sales department. And honestly, I got a very good place there. I still think that this was my best work among those that I tried before I went into open swimming. There, my main task was to distribute the money received by the plant for products every day to sales specialists responsible for different regions. If I may say so correctly. It was routine work to help the economist. But it was magic for me, the excitement when you compare, reduce, calculate, check, look for an error, relationships and ultimately come to the desired result. I would love to do this, probably all my life. But the soul required development in psychology. And, naturally, there wasn’t even a minute of time for this... And then there was the registry office, where the work was also routine, but not so exciting. I needed to convert documents into digital format. This was a daily norm, quite small for me, so there was always time left to immerse myself in psychology. Then I learned about coaching, new work formats, and online consulting opportunities. I myself have been in the role of a client... And that’s where everything came together into an ideal beautiful picture, in which every puzzletook his place of honor. This is exactly what always happens when you find YOURS. Now I see this insight time after time in the stories of my clients. My favorite thing! Now it seems surprising, but purely intuitively, back in school I imagined that I would not just be a psychologist, but that I would lead people step by step to some specific result . Little did I know then that it would be so real. That the time will come and coaching will become so popular, it will be possible to work with people without leaving home, contact them from anywhere in the world, write a program and implement it step by step. Back then, for my childhood dreams, it was something out of science fiction. Before that, I had a limited understanding of psychology and a huge internal conflict. On the one hand, I really wanted to do this. On the other hand, I was always frightened by publicity, which was inextricably linked with this activity. But everything turned out to be completely different. And I was able to find my cozy place, where I feel incredibly free, calm and relaxed. Everything here meets my interests, my needs and characteristics. I can constantly learn and develop, which I do all the time. I have the opportunity to write and express myself through my texts. I work from the comfort of my home. And my clients call me from all over the world. I work only individually. And I basically run a three-month program, so I don’t have a large flow of new people, but I feel calm and comfortable with such stability. I even work now in video-free mode. And this is not my whim. Video really doesn’t provide much of an opportunity to read the client’s state by facial expressions, gestures, posture, etc. At the same time, my own image on the screen is very distracting from the process and prevents me from focusing on the main thing: for me on the clients, and for the clients on themselves. In this format, it is much more effective to rely on the vibrations of a person’s voice. They cannot be faked and you can clearly hear where there is energy and where it is not. Voice is very valuable information to give high-quality feedback and direct attention to the point of growth. And then, the client does not come to look at me, it is important for him to look inside himself and find the most important thing there. And for this, online consultations offer the greatest opportunities. And they perfectly cover my need not to attract much attention to myself. Most of my work involves written responses. We usually meet with the client once a week for a consultation, and then throughout the week I try to provide quality written feedback on daily homework reports. And this gives me real pleasure. Thoughts flow easily and coherently; this comes to me much easier than speaking. And I don’t even consider this my job at all, so I don’t divide my days into weekends and holidays, and only with rare exceptions do I not get in touch with my beloved clients. I work only on a topic that interests me. Of course, self-realization is inextricably linked with all areas of life, but I am convinced that self-realization is the foundation on which all the most important things are attached: health, money, relationships. If you don’t do what you love, your health will suffer first of all from constant tension and dissatisfaction. There will be no understanding of where the money comes from - which means conflicts are inevitable even where it seems like paradise in a hut. Many may think that it is terrible when you repeat the same thing every time and work with the same requests. For me it's a thrill. These are my personal characteristics, I know them very well, accept them and take them into account in my work. And I bring the creative process into my articles, into my program and into other products. In this sense, I never stand still and in 4 years I have never felt even a hint of professional burnout. I do sales, but I don’t consider it selling, because I don’t sell anything to anyone, but I sell without selling. My main principle is to hear a person and help, show perspective and.