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Agree, in order to learn something quickly, the best way is to find a teacher who knows everything about the subject that interests you. And after that, either question him thoroughly on the topic, or simply listen to what he himself will tell you about it interestingly. And most men, when trying to understand women, do just that. They actually find the person who they think knows more about women than others. And they just start listening to him (or reading everything that he writes in his articles or books). Some of these men stop at male teachers. The logic of their choice, it seems to me, is quite simple - if these teachers know how to charm, conquer, seduce or make girls happy in a short time, it means they understand them... at least they see their weaknesses and know how to take advantage of them. And, by the way, they understand women, perhaps, much better than they can understand themselves. Simply because a person is not willing to consciously admit the whole truth about himself (thanks to grandfather Freud, who was the first to realize this). Another part of men turns exclusively to women for help. Because he believes that only those can tell about what is going on in a woman’s soul, guided by their own experience. Such men trust first-hand information more than guys’ retellings and observations from the outside. In this article I will not convince you to choose one or another training option. In both cases, as already mentioned, there are pros and cons. I will only note that both of them, in my opinion, lead away from direct contact with the person with whom you are building a relationship. Understanding women “IN GENERAL” means moving away from communication with a specific woman into the realm of fantasy and abstraction. I’m just sure that the more your attention is focused on finding laws that explain what happens to women in general, the less it will be left for that particular girl who is next to you right now. It’s like talking about the dynamics of the flight of a ball and playing football – in terms of feelings and direct experience, very different activities. Yes, of course, knowledge of the laws of physics can be useful in mastering the game itself. But if you have already established “contact” with it (with the ball), if you feel it, “communicate” with it often and directly, then this knowledge usually follows from your own experience of interaction. And therefore, it seems to me, it doesn’t matter who tells you about women - men or women teachers. They tell based on THEIR experience. Sometimes this, of course, can be useful - as a pre-contact stage (that is, the stage preceding the contact itself, preparing you for it). But if the girl you are interested in is already in your field of attention (and this is almost inevitable for a modern person), it is much more useful to gain all the knowledge yourself, through the experience of contact with her. PS Just in case, I will clarify: contact and understanding are different processes. Returning to the football metaphor, most football fans understand the game very well. But that doesn't usually make them good athletes. And often it doesn’t even make them athletes at all. Learn to be in contact with a person! PS If you are interested in my thoughts on the psychology of men, subscribe to me (by clicking on the button below) and to my telegram channel “Men’s House of Dmitry Trefilov” - https:/ /t.me/manrise_psy