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From the author: It would seem that everything is simple, if you don’t like the job you need to look for another one. But what to do if you don’t know what you want? What if you can’t see where to go at all? It is unbearable to remain in the same place and it is unclear where to go. Everything in the world is changing, and this new approach to finding yourself is not easy at first glance. And yet, after reading the article, you will catch yourself in the fact that you have known this for a long time. Now we are the creator of our destiny, and we have the power to take this step. Yes, the bridges will burn behind us and it will be impossible to retreat. But ahead, there, behind the fear, a surprise awaits us. We will talk about when, as a result of working on oneself and internal changes, a person has a desire to leave his job. For some, this is a tedious activity for a low salary, while for others it is even a very promising place with good pay and an excellent team. But there is a terrible feeling of bondage, a feeling that this is not mine and a desire to give it all up. But there is fear because no future is visible. The desire to leave and give up everything is quite natural because we outgrow the conditions in which we existed and all the absurdity, all the meaninglessness and unproductivity of such work activity becomes obvious. But if, on the one hand, you want to leave your job, and on the other hand, you are overcome by doubts, then you are not quite ready yet. First, you should honestly admit to yourself why you still need this job? Someone exchanges their life for a salary, accumulates money to insure themselves against a rainy day, relying on the illusion of a guarantee. Many people trade their lives for social status for a stable, familiar social structure. Someone has not yet learned all the important life lessons that they have the opportunity to learn in their workplace. Any uncomfortable relationship from which you do not see a way out right now is sure to contain something valuable for you. Because when you have worked everything out, when you have learned nothing in this place in this role, you do not have the desire to run away. You have a calm understanding that you have nothing to do here and there are no longer any doubts. An indicator that it is time to make a decision is a calm attitude towards this situation. And when you desperately want to escape, it means that you do not want to accept life. You have changed and instead of approaching old situations in a new way and perhaps creating a new role for yourself in the same workplace, it seems easier to quit and leave and start over in a new place. But that's just how it seems! Because in a new place, first the illusion is created that everything is new, and then again the same rake. Just like divorcing a partner who doesn’t suit you. New relationships are created, and after a while this completely different partner behaves the same way as the one you ran away from because the reason remains in you. If you are still asking the question: “What next? What will I live on? What will I do? - most often this means that you are not ready yet. But there comes a moment when you clearly understand that even just directing your thoughts in this direction is no longer possible. And then you don’t think, don’t ask questions, but simply act. The page is completed, the lessons are over, you are free! And in this situation, you are ready to risk your financial situation and lose your social status. You don’t yet realize that you are internally ready, then circumstances arise when you lose your job for some reason or you are laid off, or the company goes bankrupt, or they stop paying. This is the time when you need to believe the situation, leave and be with yourself, listen to yourself and see where to move next. At the same time, where to move next is completely unclear to you and hence there are a lot of complaints against yourself due to the fact that you do not see further goals or any guidelines for where to go now. But there is no need to force events and demand from yourself a clear vision of your future path. This is a delicate and complex process, arm yourself with the principle!