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LAZY. What is laziness? Laziness is a state in which you do not want or cannot do anything. You know that there is urgent work that needs to be done urgently and definitely, but your legs don’t go there and your arms don’t rise, and so you sit and scold yourself for laziness. But what is this really? What is hidden behind the screen of a familiar state? If we turn to ourselves, we will see that this is laziness; struggle of motives. - it is when. You sleep, and the alarm clock rings... and it begins... either to get up or to sleep. And I need to go and want to sleep. The situation is familiar to everyone. There are two motives fighting here. The motive is to get some more sleep, especially since you went to bed late in the evening, but you have to get up early and the body simply demands its share of sleep, which is quite legitimate. I. Motive - need to go to school (work, business, meeting, etc.). and it really is necessary, because if you don’t go there will be trouble, or we are brought up in such a way that we simply cannot help but go. not enough motivation. - what does it mean. This is when you need to write a term paper or do work that in your opinion is stupid, not interesting and will not bring profit, and generally distracts you from more interesting activities. In this situation, it’s hard to force yourself to do it, and now you’re already coming up with a bunch of other work for yourself, from the category of “what can I do, so as not to do anything” and you seem to be busy and you really don’t have time for it. fear of failure. – a more complex feeling associated with the fear of condemnation or rejection. When you were a child with a significant elder, all your manifestations of individuality or creativity were responded to in a negative form or not at all. And now, remembering this, and starting any business, you subconsciously expect negative reactions, which, just like in childhood, are painfully experienced. Those. not wanting to face childhood experiences, you simply do nothing, or, as often happens, you do something, but not what is needed. How is this different from point two? - everything happens here unconsciously. lack of self-confidence or low self-esteem. - Hello to the parents too. When, even having good ideas and aspirations, as well as having all the capabilities to implement them, we still do nothing to achieve the desired results. And then he asks you, “why didn’t you do it?”, you calmly answer, “I’m lazy. laziness mother was born before me.”, and then the same nonsense. And in fact, you cannot even imagine that this is possible in your life. And in fact, no one has ever told you that you can do this. fear of difficulties. – there is such a joke: “a man came on a date with a woman. She prepared everything, set the table, opened the door to the bedroom, and folded back the edge of her clothes. Here they are having dinner, and he keeps looking towards the bedroom and straightening his hair. She asks him - why do you always straighten your hair? He replies: “I can imagine that then fucking my hair will stand up like an oak.” here is the same situation, how to imagine WHAT needs to be done and HOW MUCH needs to be done, it makes your hair stand on end. And again - “what would you do, what would you do without doing anything?” what to do about it? determine what case you have. and this is where the biggest ambush happens. So how to do this? The struggle of motives. – is determined quite simply when you don’t know what to choose. Like the monkey in the joke, it remains to burst. Not enough motivation. – the same thing is quite simply determined. Usually we all know exactly what we don’t want: fear of failure. – is determined at the moment when you need to take a decisive step forward. When all the preparatory work is completed, but the final push is missing. Most likely, you are afraid of what will follow this step: lack of faith in your strength or low self-esteem. – I think I know everything about my self-esteem. And if you sincerely believe that you are not worthy of something or cannot do something, then this is just your option. Or, as a last resort, you can use any test to determine your level of self-esteem. (by the way, excessively high self-esteem is also not very good). fear of difficulties. – determined when you buildyou make plans or dream, and then suddenly everything goes bad. I can't open my own diner because I need to do this and that and that and that's it. You're sitting on the couch and someone has opened a diner. choose a behavior strategy, or in other words, a motivation that cannot be bypassed, i.e. something that has 100% value for you. Let’s say your children or your future. Imagine what will happen to you in a year, and in two, and in five. Do you want that? If yes, then good. If not, draw the future you want, you can even sketch it in paint or write it down as text. And always remember what you are striving for and for whom you are doing it. (by the way, there is no shame in doing this for yourself and only for yourself. One happy person makes 56 people around him happy). And if you do something, then you do it for something, i.e. consciously, and don’t hang around life like shit in a hole. Praise yourself for victories, for any kind. Praise yourself for your victories and constantly savor them in your mind, do not let them get lost in your memory. The more praise the better, you can keep a praise diary and write at least five points there every day. EVERY DAY!!!!!!!For example: when you wake up, well done. Got out of bed - well done. He took my grandmother across the road - well done. Graduated from Harvard online - well done. And constantly think about your victories, small, big, no matter. Turn them over in your head and experience them again and again, remember that state of victory. Forget defeats - think once, scold yourself, draw conclusions and forget once and for all. The conclusions will still remain in the subconscious, but you don’t need to carry the state of a loser with you. make an action plan with goals, tasks, deadlines, confirmation and, of course, reward. A goal is something global that can cover both a large and small period of time. Some final result of what needs to be done. For example, wash windows or conquer the world. Tasks - answer the question. – what do I need to do to achieve the desired result in the shortest possible time and with less energy? The points should develop the goal in a logical sequence. Deadlines - it is better to write a specific date or until what period it must be done. But it is better to put the period on the final result, taking into account the preparatory work. (if the task is global, time for preparatory work can take a lot and there is no need to artificially adjust or rush it, because how long the house will last depends on its foundation). Confirmation - what is essential for you is confirmation of the result, both intermediate or preparatory tasks, and the entire global goal completely. It must be something material and concrete. The reward must, of course, be valuable and desirable for YOU!!! for example: I don’t like jewelry and praising myself with earrings or rings is useless to me, but with a delicious cake or a set of dishes for the oven... wow!!! I’m ready to conquer the world)))) And the amount of reward should increase as you get closer to the final result. This can be expressed both in monetary terms and in quantitative terms. For example: Goal.Task.Deadlines.Confirmation.Reward.Wash the windows1. select day 10th Entering the window cleaning date into your calendar or diary. As a mandatory task. Verbal praise2. prepare window cleaning products on the 15th Purchase and preparation of cleaning products Verbal praise and a cake with cream and a cherry on top. 3. wash the windows No later than the 20th Clean windows on time. Verbal praise and a big delicious cake. give yourself the opportunity to rest as much as you need. That is. adequately expended energy. We often forget that we actually need to rest, but due to our upbringing (hello to our parents), we do not give ourselves the opportunity to do this normally. Rest can be different. You need to sleep for a month, sleep! Ilya Muromets lay on the stove for 30 years, then he got up and made everyone happy. Although there is a catch here, if you, in principle, have never worked at any time in your life, then why should you rest? How.