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From the author: What are your values? “Good”, “evil”, “debt”, “freedom” - at first glance, words that are understandable to everyone, but still they have an abstract nature. Therefore, each person puts his own meaning into the interpretation of these concepts. In the same way, when forming a set of life values, people are guided by their own idea of ​​​​the meaning of existence and in solving the “good-bad” dilemma they rely only on personal arguments. Causes of the crisis. A person can fully self-realize and achieve any life goals if he orients himself as if on a guide star, on the spiritual values ​​​​established by him. However, such guidelines can dim and disappear if the usual living conditions change. A crisis ensues, leading to subsequent personal changes. The reasons for the crisis of values ​​can be various events that entail a strong emotional reaction and a violation of the perception of the principles that determine the meaning of life. Causes of crises: serious illness, loss of a loved one, committing an act that led to a painful feeling of guilt, age-related changes, etc. A person experiences severe neuropsychic stress and cannot adequately perceive the world, because in such a situation the value system undergoes significant changes. For example, if a patient learns about a fatal illness, his career goals become insignificant - a shift in values ​​occurs. However, even in this case, a person mobilizes internal reserves and tries to find new guidelines. Formation of a new value system. A crisis is a breaking point, but it is always followed by important personal changes. During a difficult period, a person forms a new value system, and it can be both constructive and destructive. In the first case, he sets guidelines that allow him to move forward, in the second, he may suffer from low self-esteem. In a number of situations, the crisis can be very deep, and social rehabilitation requires the help of a psychologist. For example, it is very difficult for a person who has lost hearing, vision, or motor functions to adapt to new realities and find creative goals. His former values ​​may become irrelevant, and for the formation of a new complex it is necessary that the psychological state is stable and the reactions are adequate. Social factors. The crisis of values ​​can be caused not only by personal reasons, but also by global changes in society: economic, political, cultural and others. Thus, one of the most significant problems of our time is the predominance of consumer values ​​over spiritual ones. Many people who put material wealth at the forefront, at a certain period of life begin to suffer from dissatisfaction and eventually come to a crisis. At the stage of a transitional state, a person can fundamentally change his idea of ​​​​the essence of being and choose goals that are diametrically opposed to the previous ones. For example, instead of savings - to explore the world and go on a trip around the world. A crisis of values ​​is always associated with a complex psychological state. The way out of it can be positive, similar to bathing in a healing spring and giving new strength to conquer difficult peaks, and negative - leading to a complete loss of interest in life. During this difficult period, it is better to seek help from a psychologist. Good luck in working on yourself!