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From the author: if you have questions, write in the comments, I will answer everyone. How to attract your man? Who is the man of your dreams? How to become a happy woman and have a stable, wonderful relationship? How to attract your man, and not just another one... Let's start finding out the answers to these questions right now! First, decide who he is, the man of your dreams: what he is like externally, internally! His character, hobbies, aspirations, age, weight, profession (at least approximately the industry)... All this plays a huge role! Many people complain that there are no good men, they are worse than women, and so on, but you are the one who attracts them! I have talked with many women who want to meet the ideal man, but they cannot answer my question what kind of man he is, and therefore cannot attract They can’t bring him into their lives either! When you talk or dream about something abstract, that's what you get! For example, you say you want candy, they give it to you - and you, why are you slipping me caramel! I wanted chocolate! Well, they give you a chocolate one, and you - I don’t eat that one, I don’t like it, I want another one. So, with men too, if you don’t know who you want to see as your life partner, you get the wrong man, and then you are disappointed again and again . Decide, think about what kind of man you need, draw up his external and internal portrait (character qualities, habits, etc.) don’t regret this time, this is what you need! When you decide, write about him, how wonderful he is, how you met, how happy you are with him, he is the one you have been looking for for so long! The brighter and more colorful the story, the easier it is for the Universe to fulfill your wish! It is important that when you describe your man, you need to do it with such delight and joy, as if you went on a date with him yesterday, and now you are describing him and meeting him in your diary! Try to feel it with your body so that your goosebumps run from excitement and feelings. If you don’t succeed right away, don’t worry, repeat this every day until you achieve a certain result! It is better to do this before bed, as your mind is relaxed and you can fantasize freely. Top tip! Visualize, describe in your diary the man of your dreams and your romantic encounters with him, BUT! don't depend on the result! As soon as you start waiting for him every day, looking for him among everyone and everything, thinking about it constantly - EVERYTHING, you will not meet him! Paradox, no - this is how our Universe works, what we depend on most does not come into our lives ! What we fear and fear most is coming! It is very important! For example, if you are afraid of loneliness, you only attract it! If you are afraid to be alone and frantically search for your loved one, you are left alone or with the fool from whom you are suffering. Therefore, you must firmly know who you want and that you will definitely get him! Mind your own business, intuition will tell you where to go and what to do to meet your man! Listen to yourself and your heart, don’t give up on opportunities, but don’t take everything for opportunities! Listen to yourself and your intuition and you will definitely meet your BIG love and your ONE!