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From the author: How to love yourself? Who within us needs love? And how to learn to love yourself - what actions you need to master and what to take. If you are on the way to yourself, subscribe to my Publications. Remember that self-love is steps on the path to a happy self. Self-love is the pinnacle of happiness I’m not talking about the universal love, and not about love as a feeling. Self-love is the top of the Triangle of Happiness. To love yourself is to master the skills of love as an action. The Triangle of Happiness, or as I recently renamed it, the Triangle of Love, I just described in my new article on the happiness psychologist’s blog. Here I will give one of the 12 practice chapters of my e-book “Mood Enhancer”. How to love yourself: a guide to action Love your Inner Child and you will become happier! Many people who feel unhappy say about themselves: “I probably DO NOT love myself.” Periodically, people ask: “How to love yourself? What needs to be done for this? Will I become selfish in this case? ?.If you are tormented by the same questions, then this “secret” is for you! How to love yourself? It’s very easy to do! It’s enough to follow a few simple steps and take into account some of the subtleties outlined below: 1) To love yourself means to surround your Inner Child with love and care. Our Inner Child is approximately 3-6 years old. And the level of your happiness directly depends on how joyful and happy your Inner Child is. 2) The secret is in how you express your love to your own children, exactly the same way you need to love your Inner Child. In response to the question of my Clients: “How to love yourself?” I almost always answer with a counter question: “How do you express your love and care for your children: daughter or son?” Try to answer these questions yourself first, and only then read the answers of my Clients, okay? Clients begin to list the following: “I hug my child, stroke his head, kiss him.” “I say kind words to him, call him diminutive forms of his name.” “I often praise him. Even for every little thing - I want him to grow up to be a successful person." "I often tell him: “You are good!” “I play with him, entertain him, fulfill his desires.” “I protect him from dangers, I create conditions for its development.” 3) Apply the methods of caring for a real child to your Inner Child. To do this, take sequentially all the Clients’ answers (or your own) from the previous paragraph and apply them to yourself. You will get an excellent and effective program “How to love your Inner Child.” 4) Program “How to love yourself.” Providing physical contact and hugs. If you don’t already know, if a baby is not provided with affectionate and gentle physical touch from the moment of birth, he will simply die (“hospitalism syndrome”). If you don't pet a cat, the bone marrow in its nape dries out and the animal dies. If an adult does not have 7 to 12 hugs a day, his hormonal levels are disrupted and depression occurs. He begins to get sick often. So, how are you going to get hugs? From my experience: the best and guaranteed way to get hugs is to be the first to hug someone (mother, husband, wife, brother, girlfriend, loved one). The second effective method is to establish with family and friends ritual when meeting and parting to hug each other tightly. Other ways to provide touch and bodily pleasure to your Inner Child: massage, sex, going to the bathhouse or sauna, visiting the pool, yoga and dancing, outdoor games, attending body and dance trainings. Affectionate words and a diminutive form of the name. How do you address yourself when you mess up and make a mistake? “Brainless bastard”, “Idiot” or “Clever girl”, “Sunny”? Do you remember how your family addressed you when you were 3-5 years old? I remember the following: “Sanek”, “Sanechka”, “Shurik”, “Sasha”, “Shurshunchik”. What do you remember? Give yourself a promise, right from this moment, to treat yourself